GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“Does the Plane of Water have creatures living IN the water? Those could leave behind bones that forms of land could develop on. Waterworld already did that one.”

“The Plane of Fire is one I wouldn’t want to ever visit. In the Plane of Air, everyone flies, and lives on frozen Clouds, and floating buildings.”

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I’m talking about Animated shows like Cartoons and Anime…

A Plane of Water would have beings like Mermaids, Fishmen resembling Zoras, Fishmen resembling Deep Ones, Sea Elves, Water Sprites, Undines, Water Elementals, Water Breathing Humans, etc.


i understand.

i don’t think I’d watch it unless it was really well done, but sure it could be interesting.

chrisp / gnarlsbeth

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Would any of you watch a TV Show where the Cast visits multiple Elemental Planes some of which embody a Concept instead of one of the 5 Classical Elements?

Concepts such as:

  1. Life: Think GW: Nightfall’s Fleshy Domain of Pain combined with the Blood-stained Depths of Madness
  2. Death: Think Maldraxxus’s Decayed Flesh, Slime Pools, Bone Sculptures and Green Crystals
  3. Science: Think Academy City from a Certain Scientific Railgun combined with Aperture Science from Portal 2
  4. Tech: Imperium of Man Flying Cathedrals swollen into a World
  5. Time: Think Caverns of Time
  6. Space: Think Netherstorm and Hellfire Peninsula combined with Space Ships
  7. Luxuria/Lust: Perfumed Seas next to Seas of the Finest Wine, Giant Pillows, spiked Tentacles Everywhere nicely carressing passerbys with their sharp spikes, exquisite Chocolate Rivers, Linen Tents filled with Elegant Cuisines, etc.
  8. Luxuria’s predecessor: Back Alleys with Neon Lights and Hideous Abominations offering money in exchange for dating some offering so much money that one might mistake the Plane for the Plane of Avarice(and not the Deadly Sin that Lust/Luxuria replaced) speaking of which…
  9. Avarice/Generosity: Trees of Gold & Silver, Mountains of Gold and Dollar Bills among other things and Roads of Gold & Gems
  10. Gluttony: Food Everywhere, Ice Cream Float Seas of Soda Pop, Candylands, etc.
    10: Sloth: Infinite Bed
  11. Ira: Khorne’s Realm
  12. Vainglory: Cheering Statues and Mirrors everywhere
  13. Chess: Gothica from Secret of Evermore
  14. Wonderland
  15. Shadow: Telogrus Rift combined with Shadowfell
  16. Light: Lostlight from Darksiders 2 complete with Corruption-style crystals
  17. Nightmare: The Emerald Nightmare from Legion combined with GW Nightfall’s Domain of Fear
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“Sounds interesting.”

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scumbag chris sins again… i should die i guess or be killed.
do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right? so i should not sin. so i should die because of my sins. bleh why am i posting about this to strangers on a message board or are you really strangers lol seems like the world knows what i’m doing and i’m probably corrupting them so i should really really die.

“That is not good either.”

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i guess not. i’m not harming myself i’m just perving. but i guess it’s not good. so i should never do it again i guess.

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i cheered up a bit. looking at beautiful people on the internet. oh well. not perving.

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“Keep smiling.”

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Fire would be hott. Too hot, in fact! I don’t want to burn my tasty :bear::sandwich:!


That’s the important thing.

Don’t harm yourself. As for the other, even infants do it. And really, as long as your doing it privately, is that really so bad? Seriously.

And if you want to approach it from a religious aspect, everyone always says don’t because God is always watching. But I’ve never heard anyone ask why God watches ALL THE DANG TIME, EVERY TIME!

Maybe we should start charging God Pay-Per-View prices or, at the very least, $8.99 a minute after the first five minutes. Dude is ripping us off!

Seems to me, Chrisp, that you’re not the pervy one here.


chrisp kills time kicking sand in the lounge sandbox at nothing in particular
i’m not good at anything…



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I think my brain just told me to chill the heck out.

Woke up from a dream about a first date I was going on whih started out well enough until there was some very minor issue; my date needed a new computer screen or somethimg which I took wayyyyy too seriously (think white knighting on super duper sterroids)even thougb she was more than capable of choosing her own. I even suggested and insisted on a new monitor only to realize it was incompatible because I’d failed to learn the brand of her computer.

My best friend (played by Ashton Kutcher for some reason), was there and was trying to joke around to lighten things up and I almost alienated him by brushing him off and even insulting him (think like the two main characters from Clerks where I was a super Dante).

Eventually we were getting pizza at a restaurant and my Ashton-friend wished us a “good hour” in a really bad and obviously way over exagerrated redneck French accent; pronouncing “bonne heure” as “bone your ear”, and my instant reaction was, “No, not my ears!” which made everyone laugh. The scene then faded out like a sitcom and I woke up much too early. But my back now feels super relaxed.

Anyway, just thought I’d share for some reason. My subconcious is weird sometimes.