GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

feeling lonely
Got the Cranberries song “Linger” in my head

Ugh… looks like I spoke too soon.

Around 1 a massive smoke/smog cloud rolled in from the West :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Oh well, we got a brief 2-day break to enjoy outdoor activities, but now it’s back to :dizzy_face: :nauseated_face:

So sick and tired of dirty air, really ruins the summer vibes having a gray sky blocking out the sun :roll_eyes:

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That book has been so over debated at times noble Chrisp that alot of what the original purposes of the writings gets easily lost in bad presentations.

Be kind when you can and u’ll be alot closer to the original meaning that you may realize :slight_smile: (In other words - just be chrisp :slight_smile: He’s got a special wonderfulness to him )

after spending the afternoon in the emergency room I could use some positive music too :rofl:

Works for mee :slight_smile:

West coast state?

oo yes yes yes


To all you pve carebears who bought pvp rating carries last season for your BIS gear. I hate you and I hope your computer hardware melts

“Same to you. I don’t PvP, and don’t care about your gear.”


Exactly. People should stay in their lane, not ruin the fun for others just because they don’t care about that content

“Why do YOU care what other players enjoy doing? How about, You do You, and let everyone else do themselves? It wouldn’t hurt you to just let other players do their own thing.”


He doesn’t care that people do pve. He’s tired of the cancerous amount of carries people were buying last season that was killing the game

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“Please do not use that term as an insult around me. I survived that devil, and it insults me to see it used that way. Thank you.”


Fair enough. Ive survived some things myself and I wouldnt let a word that references it get to me though

Pvp’s been such a hot mess trainwreck for so long

Even in non-rated, I seem to be seeing lots of premades these days

I miss old school WG

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“I am sensitive. That is not a sin.”


Believe it or not. So am I. I am sorry that happened to you. I ask you not to lash out at Furrskin though

That’s always been a thing

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“I felt like they were picking on us PvE Casuals.”

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Nah he thinks Torghast is fun

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“I don’t. I hate that place. I get lost too easily.”

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I think it’s pretty fun. Unpopular opinion ig

The bottom line is the game doesn’t only revolve around the content you enjoy. Let other people enjoy things whether it’s pve, pvp, casual or competitive

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“The place itself is fun, I just hate the layout, I get lost.”


Kind of happy no more multiboxing.
Dealing with multiboxed boomkin was getting tough

Pvp is a funny world - Kind of happy myself Bliz seems to have moved away from making parts of it necessary (like in legion to get the cloak - that made some alliance bg’s almost unplayable)


Yeah, had that happen more than once m’self

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