GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)


How are things going?

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“Going okay. You?”

Been depressed for the last day or so.

I don’t know just haven’t felt myself.

But did kara for the first time as well recently and got my best bow until the next patch


Wildfire smoke finally clearing out of the sky, the sun was actually visible today and yesterday :hugs:

So annoying when the sky is all “greyed out” in the middle of July, and it wasn’t rain clouds either…


Wow that sucks. Hugs.

Wildfires aren’t fun.


Also I think I am happy I wasn’t on the fourms for the last few days. My dad asked me today what people were fighting about here as a news article was talking about the drama going on in game and on the fourms and I was clueless about it.

When my dad knows more about the drama on the fourms then I do, it is bad.


Full 1980 The Wall Concert

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“I have The Wall Live in Berlin, unfortunately it’s on VHS.”
/sad eyes

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I have a lot of VHS stuff some of which I am not sure I will see again. Some though I made sure to get on DVD like my Alice movie.

I will not lose this movie to the rabbit hole or sands of time.

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Yeah, forums are a mess atm

Hopefully the posters spamming/cluttering up the forums actually follow thru on their “threat” to unsub so we don’t see them again, good riddance :joy:

I think I am finally going to make some new gifs next week. I just want to have some new Alice magic.

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“I like scenes of her with the Cheshire Cat.”

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I don’t think it is a surprise which scenes I like.

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(chrisp is here. I remain a sinner and horrible i guess)
it’s a good thing I probably will never work ever again because I’m probably the kind of scum who couldn’t control himself like those scum at actiblizz except i do it in secret and only to myself physically. but jesus says that’s the same as doing it for real which means i’m basically super evil and should be killed I guess. ugh.

hope you’re all doing well.

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Shaman luck :sweat_drops: for all!

riptide :ocean:


i’ll try to be happy and positive.

I doubted jesus’s holiness which is a eternal sin according to the bible. Damn. Sucks to be me. Don’t be like me. Then again, I guess that’s considered preaching and God knows some preachers have sinned and preaching isn’t really welcome here. And I’m not a preacher because I’m a sinner and I’m just insane and evil and I don’t know why I bother typing all this because it makes no good difference.

I should link some positive music or something.

I would suggest a Baptist church for spiritual advice if you choose this path.

I know religion is a sensitive subject, I have friends who are atheists, we get along just fine. I don’t discuss their personal choices as long as they don’t discuss about mine.

I have an uncle and aunt who would bash about my family’s belief choices. We had to cut them out of our life because they were so toxic.

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It’s all a matter of perspective. What to us is a priceless pearl, is to the oyster nothing more than an unwelcomed bit of grit.

How often does the sinner, upon his last breath, find such certitude and faith as to ascend to the Heavens while the pious one upon his last breath finds such doubt as to fall into the abyss. No one knows for certain what their end will be so be kind and patient with others and oneself.


Sing a happy song.