GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

It’s a cute little puppy

I can’t promise you will survive my hugs.


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket, yawns, climbs out of Surfy’s pocket with his favorite blankie, and sets up a table full of tasty :bear::sandwich:

Happy Fursday!

climbs into Surfy’s lap, cuddles up on his favorite blankie, eats a tasty :bear::sandwich: and watches adorable otter videos


If you look at your quest log, I believe it lists all the "mandatory* chapters under the story portion.

But what you want to look for are all thr quests marked with sheilds.


Thank you… I needed that… :heart: :wolf:


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

Good morning my cuties and i see the gd forum is more crazy then usual haha.


/running pounce


/hug back
/eat cookie
/happy noises

How you doing on this sunny day dearest Cyndy?

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“It’s not sunny here, but I’m doing good. How are you?”

just a short one today.
bloods came back vitamin D is low, but not stupid low… just take a couple of pills per day until it comes back up.
however, bloods showed an issue with liver, so i’ve got to get an ultrasound of liver.
…it must be all that alcohol that i’ve never touched :stuck_out_tongue:

kicking goals with the moving, but exhausted.
i’ll probably be “missing” for a couple of days while the computer gets moved.
tomorrow we get the truck to move the big furniture.
hope to have my modem delivered monday.

need a shower and bed.
not sure if i can stand up long enough for the shower part. :expressionless:
nite all, have a fun weekend!


Glad to hear you are doing well Cyndi, on my side things are going well, so i’m pretty happy haha

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Have some shaman luck :sweat_drops: my friend, to make your day better.

riptide :ocean:

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Thanks shaman fwiend OwO! :wolf:

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Happy Friday!!!


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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I am definitely just going to level just 2 characters for now until late expansion. At least it seems the pace picked up a bit faster once I hit Ardenweald. All I know is once I hit 60 I can actually start playing.

Quests are nothing but chores to do while hitting the max capped level.

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“How close are you now?”

Level 58



“Nice! Almost there.”

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