GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I’ve been thinking of Yashahime: Inuyasha and his niece Towa are weakened by the New Moon which was also when they were born while his other niece Setsuna who had her memories taken is not weakened by the New Moon.

Furthermore the New Moon of the Modern Era doesn’t weaken Towa so what is going on? Is there some entity generating energy detectable by Half-Yokai(though not Quarter-Yokai) during the New Moon(and different energy at other times of the Month) in the Feudal Era that needs to be killed?

Whatever it is is well informed about times of Month to say the least especially since it consistently starts using it’s New Moon Energy when approaching the New Moon(only turning it on full blast when the New Moon actually appears) suggesting that it knows the exact moment the New Moon is going to happen.

Half-Yokai with memories weakening is probably a subconscious reaction of fear so Setsuna regaining her memories will gain memories of being afraid of the strange presence during the New Moon which will clash with her memories of not being afraid and thus her subconscious will know that whatever is giving off the presence is not looking for her and that she doesn’t need to hide her powers.

Of course that might also mean she might suspect there is a Yokai Aura she never realized was even there since it was always present(and shifting for each time of the Month) and being a Yokai Hunter start looking for it making sure Moroha and Towa follows her with Towa’s powers completely diminishing as they get close to the source before the Sun has even set revealing the New Moon.

(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)

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Jee whiz its taking me forever to level, no wonder people are feeling game burnt. It didn’t take me long to hit 120 in BFA. I was able to do all the others with ease no problem leveling in MoP, WoD, Legion and BFA. Still working on my first character FYI.

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“Go through the shown path, to unlock all zones, then get your Toon to a Covenant. You level faster that way.”

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Don’t know what that is, I assume all the quests have to be completed in the zone before I can move on to the next zone.

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“There is a certain chain of quests, that progress you through each zone, and on to the next.”

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I will have to look into my quest log tomorrow, and see if I can put Maldraxis on hold and move on into which ever is the next zone. Thanks for the tip.

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“I think it goes Bastion, Maldraxis, Revendrath, then Ardenweald. I think it’s the Storyline Quests you have to do, not sure though.”

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I thought the order of this expansion would be Bastion, Ardenweald, Maldraxis than Revendrath, before I started. Interesting twist

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“So you have done Ardenweald? Or just Bastion, and now you are in Maldraxis?”

Bastion to Maldraxis so far.

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“Are you doing the chapters in the Storyline Quests?”

Yes. I move on when achieve pops up saying I did all the story line quests for that zone.

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“Then you are on the right path.”

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“By the time you unlock all the zones you will be level capped. You are only 4 levels away.”

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3 levels away actually, it shows 4 at the forums, in armory its 57.

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“Even better.”


Meeep hugs

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/ear scratch

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Murr snugs