GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)


“on par… with smoggy cities such as Mexico City and Beijing” :dizzy_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


Cyn went night fae? WOOOOHOOOOOOO
/grabs Elmer and starts dancing
/lady moonberry flys around dropping sparkles and glitter

Yay :slight_smile:


Sorry Mate :frowning:


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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)

I can picture Sylvanas singing this song to Anduin while he’s in a cage.

See the scar on Tempest, that the one I wish to have the most for my characters.

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“I like the scar too.”

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I’m fine with my characters not having scars as it means they know how to duck. :))

Seriously, a well placed scar can completely change a character’s vibe and appearance.


“Sometimes, you have to LEARN how to duck first. Those are the ones with the scars.”


“I want scars for my Motorcycle Mama Goblin, because she loves to play with Machines, and we all know that Machines have a bad habit of breaking down, randomly, when we least expect it. Especially Goblin Machines.”


Little underrated rock music.

Fixed it

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“The last one is a repeat.”

“Good songs.”

Canonically in my head, Rosenivy using a type of glamour to hide a rather nasty burn scar on their face. A freak accident during Cataclysm caused the tentacles on their hood ( the dragon soul armor for locks I mean ) to tighten around their head while also being on fire. The scars on the lower left side of their face and its why I have one of their eyes not working in game. It was the closest I could get.

If they’re low on mana or using their magic with a lot of heavy spells for big damage, the scar might show up. Which is a nice visual cue for “Ohhhhhhhhhh we should be running away from the warlock now”


(Lady Cyndi Lou sighs, and wanders off again.)

daily update: (mini-novel!) :joy:

my partner conned his mum into helping me, and OMG SHE WAS AMAZING!
she’s like… 70 years old, she was crawling around inside the kitchen cupboards, then up on a step ladder, scrubbing and removing goo and just being incredible. (i repay her with KFC on saturday night) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
i’m so thankful for the help!

i’ve burst out in random bruises, and Dr.Google says it’s probably a vitamin deficiency.
…which would make sense.
i’m booking in for a referral for blood tests in the morning.
it would explain a lot.
my skin has been super dry, i thought it was from too much hand sanitizer.
i’ve been super tired, but thought it was from moving stress combined with medications.
i usually take vitamin D during winter, but … forgot, because of everything which has been going on. :grimacing:
the last few years i’ve needed a 200,000 dose of vitamin D, so hopefully that’s all it is.
unfortunately, no matter what it is… i won’t get blood results back before the weekend.

i’m under instruction to have a day off tomorrow, but that isn’t going to happen… so i’ll just have an hour or two of chill stuff at the house tomorrow, then come back and try pack the last few roomboxes.

in other news, the truck rental needed to be changed, because the place the truck was booked at, is now a tier 1 covid exposure site. :pensive:

it’s just one disaster after another, but it was silly of me to expect anything else!
i just have to keep reminding myself that it’ll all be worth it in the end!

goodnight :sleeping:


These are the things that will make for good memories and stories in a few years. In the end you’ll enjoy a good laugh. Granted, it will be one of those scary laughs that convinces your guests it’s time to leave, but it will still be a laugh.

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Lewka’s anteater is not to be triffled with!

Hoping to hit 60 today, since I don’t have any plans for raiding til late this year, going for 60 with my other 3 characters.


I feel worthless. I’m just a scar. Oh well.



Based on some of the recent posts, being a scar means you’re priceless. :smiley:


Where I’m hurting from a pinched nerve this week - friends like chrisp showing up to say hi actually means alot to this slilly nelf
