GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

That would turn it from a nightmare to a dream. :slight_smile:


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)

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I wish for all scars to be available for all races and sex. Why should one get different ones than the other? Some scars don’t make sense like the thorn scar, we want battle scars.

Claw scar on the eye, chest, back, arm and leg diangle and straight down.

Blade scars on the eye, check, back, stomach, shoulder, chest diangle, across, and straight down.

Impale scar, leg, arm, shoulder, back and chest.

Battle scars for all please, and maybe a Horde symbol tatoo like Bain on his arm.

No one leaves a battle unscaved, especially in World of Warcraft.

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“Don’t forget Burn Scars. I bet we get A LOT of those.”

“Especially Goblins.”


The thorn scares don’t make any sense. Burn scars can be fun, like the one from My Hero Academia Todoroki has and what Zuko has from Avatar The Last Air Bender. I can’t think of any other burn scares.

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“Thorn Scars actually DO make sense, when you look at all the Bramble Bush type plants, and Anti Monkey type trees, all around Azeroth. Plus all the clubs made from those types of plants.”


Or from all the ground obstacles we trip over because they are content :roll_eyes:


I decided on my covenant for my hunter, Bastion it’s Meta for BM now according to Icy Veins. I didn’t really want to go Night Fae, it looks boring and I’ll probably fall asleep being there.

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“I want a Lamp Post shaped scar. Or a Dream Catcher one. I can’t believe we can’t even walk under a Dream Catcher, with out getting stopped.”

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“I went Night Fae, and it’s a blast.”


Tend to just jump off of high places than disengage to save my self from fall damage and bear form on my druid to reduce damage. My other toons are screwed don’t they can live, because I don’t want to go all the way around I just want to take that short cut.

I’m in Maldraxis leveling we’ll see what happens when I get to Night Fae. Maldraxis is a fun place for my orc, I know I will be putting my druid in Night Fae.


“I am only doing the one, on my Main. I don’t have any other Toons leveled enough to go to SL.”

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That’s fine, I just get bored sometimes playing one toon. I will have 2 toons for raiding, but I don’t raid on my second toon til like late, late of a expansion.


What’s that, wind walker monk? You want to 1v1 me in Korthia by punching and kicking my balls? Well I’m gonna make your head explode with shadow magic

chrisp here. leveled this guy to 60 this morning. haven’t picked covenant yet. probably not night fae since Gotnov is night fae. the necrolord class power seemed to not work while leveling, anyone else get that bug? well, I’ll look on bug support forums.

Have a good day all, since I stayed up all night I might sleep part of the day away.


Morning Cyndilou!




I know all I do is wrong maybe and maybe you want to cannibalize me but oh well hi anyways lol maybe I’m being psychotic by saying that probably maybe don’t be psychotic Chris good call Chris shut up Chris have a nice day Cyndilou and everyone


“I promise not to grok you.”


progress update:

the place is tidy, but… has lots of invisible grime.
the kitchen is feral, and i’m having trouble getting the ancient grease globs off the backsplash.
it all looks neat, until you get close and look in the right light.
i’m told that my version of clean is a bit different to everyone elses :stuck_out_tongue:
all the cupboards need cleaning inside, lots of loose debris.
the bathroom cupboards were lined with that waffle foam you put under rugs to stop them slipping… and it was held on with blu-tack.
cutlery draw is lined with similar stuff, but it seems to be glued in.
every light switch and power point has crud all over the switches and in every crevice.
my fingernails hurt from picking and scratching at stuff.
i’m definitely going to need help with the cleaning :frowning:

in other news, I HAVE A HOUSE DRAGON!!!

one of the external doors has a white shield thing, with a silver dragon on it!
i think i may need to call it Trogdor. :relaxed:
…he can help me burninate the peasants