GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Good luck Nobully.

Good luck all…



Going to be going into Kara this Wendsady :slight_smile:


Well we got to Sylvanas

Seems like a… very long fight

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Sylvanas is a boss finnaly?

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Just a quick PSA: always double-check your car for work done at a service center.

Recently found out I had been driving around for like a week with a “hole” in my Jeep’s engine due to a mechanic nudging/damaging a rubber hose during my last visit (for a spark plugs change) :joy:

The “check engine” light coming on finally alerted me that something was wrong. When I got the chance I looked under the hood, heard a “hissing” sound, and discovered a big/gaping ~1.5" hole in a rubber elbow feeding into the engine :grimacing: :scream:

Yesterday I drove back to the service center and confronted them about the hole, and fortunately they agreed to replace it - although I did have to wait about 2 hours since they were swamped with customers.

I was driving it around today and it seems to be recovering, the idle is slowly starting to stabilize and the “check engine” light is off. Anyways, just thought I would share this cautionary tale.

Human error is a thing, always double-check!! Remember, no one cares about your car more than you.


Is there a special achievement to open my toy box? I liked it better when I could just get to the menu and mess around with my toys.

ugh i can’t get the keys until tomorrow.

and i’ve spent all morning trying to arrange utilities, and having huge issues because the name of the street has been changed 3 times.

so far i’ve got gas, electricity and insurance sorted… currently on an estimated 15 minute hold with telstra (which is already over 14 minutes)

is this a trick question?
it should be just located via the little horse-head icon in your micro bar.
if you’re not seeing your toys, toggle the filters on and off


I see people compiling about boosts and such a lot in TBC forums and it reminds me why I like Azuresong. If I see someone selling boosts it is usually once a week at most and people are still leveling 1-70. It is the opposite from what people are saying lol.

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This is exactly what I’m seeing, thanks! :grinning:


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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hi Cyndilou! Chrisp here, unlocked flying in Shadowlands tonight. Feel happyish? Yay!


“Gratz! Well done.”

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I still wanna do mythic dungeons a few at least… have to make group which scares me a lot if I fail to perform people will die and be upset with me.

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“I know that feeling.”

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That’s why I stick with epic BGs with Surfy. Sure, I could blame the healer but Surfy is a tremendous healer.

As Alliance, it’s much easier to spot the people to blame: they’re the ones in chat who’re constantly complaining about everyone else without doing a thing themselves and they’re hilarious to laugh at.

“NOT IN THE FACE!”-Alliance battlecry since Vanilla Day 1

In terms of doing Mythics, if you want a more comfortable run, I’d recommend waiting for the weekly when everyone and their brother are busting out Mythic 0 for a shot at raid gear. People seem to be more chill then.



I am actually very excited about Monday… I managed to win a few bids off of a charity auction, so Monday means delivery services will be up and running… and this means, I get packages this week!!! :package:


I would be ok with this solution as well :slight_smile:


My fear is that Blizz is realizing they don’t know how to fix retail and so one Tuesday evening after a very long maintenance we login to see ourselves in a field hospital low res characters in Hellfire Peninsula.

Turns out the dreadlords sabotaged the portal and when we passed through it we were trapped in a progressively worsening nightmare. The mages were able to pull us out just before we had to build up rep and currency to do daily missions to unlock being able to quest. As I do a wobbly kneed attempt to stand up I hear a voice in the background asking “Aldor or Scryer?” My scream deafens everything from here to the earth elementals in Ragnaros’ lair.


I like Mondays because they are my Saturdays and it usually comes off of working 2 back to back double shifts .

THis weeks doubles sucked because I had a hard night sleeping Saturday night.


If I see you in Hellfire I will give you a hug at least.