GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

(haha, i can “hear” this gif!) :smile:


Oh dear… My mom was obsessed with this movie! I recently found a puzzle with the classic off the shoulder sweat shirt pose and got it for her, she was over joyed. :jigsaw:

Great, now the song is stuck in my head! :rofl:


pokes his head out of his fort

BABY OTTERS!!! Happy Saturday, everyone!

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I am sorry and not sorry.


I wish they gave a bigger budget than 1 guy using ingame assets to make it

Buuut, that was basically the best ending we coulda expected for Garrosh lol, guy had a 0% chance of coming back

Him basically telling the Arbiter is suck it and they’re wrong is possibly the most Garrosh thing ever scene

Was beautiful

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When I was on my druid last night cleaning out my bags, and bank a gnome walked up to me and asked if I was a bear. I said no, I’m a chicken. He said I was a liar and I can clearly see he had two pieces of bread held ready in his hands.

So if you see a gnome walking around asking druids if they’re bears call the National Azeroth Police. Rumors are he is wanted for the murder of multiple druids both Alliance and Horde alike.

reads WANTED poster to the lounge with a image of a gnome

"This gnome is armed and dangerous, druids especially beware.

He is wanted for the murder of druids found dead and cut up in pieces. All of them were in bear form when murderd.

The gnome is 3ft tall hunter, 30lbs, green hair and mustache, carries a rifle and a loaf of bread, also been seen with a green Saber.

100,000,000 gold for his capture dead or alive. Name is unknown, the gnome is very clever and might have ties with a unknown night elf rouge.

Call the National Azeroth Police (NAP) for any information or tips of his where abouts. All calls will be anonymous."

NAP are all demon hunters so I guess just tell a demon hunter.


What is that in TBC classic currency?

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My druid saw him in Dalaran, it’s in retail.

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my guess would be around 27 gold.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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“Exactly. The line, ‘The Power is Elune’s, but the Wrath is MINE!’ says it all. She was slipping into that dark madness, and Elune had to stop her.”

“The rest I also agree with, 100%. I am still hoping that the Burning of The Tree, and the Destruction of UC, were both just Horrific Visions, and when we get done with SL, they will never have happened.”


holy cow, is that a full run to Elwynn?
i started watching, because their clips are usually 3 or 4 minutes… and then i looked at the running time! :astonished:


“It’s TOTALLY worth watching. Especially for the ending.”


Yep. They made an full and accurate run of classics travel to Elwynn. Including painful deaths and people looking at you like a kid on mounts.


it was a TBC classic run, the blood elf woman on the loading screen to Eastern Kingdoms told me that. Pretty neat how I felt a range of emotions while watching it all. Felt hateful for some reason around Goldshire… I dunno why. Oh well. Felt love in Loch Modan, that’s where I told a woman I loved her for the first time back in 2007 or 2009 or whenever TBC was.

I hope people are happy. I hope Teldrassil and Undercity come back if that’s what most people want I guess… sorry to all who miss them for I was the one who imagined them getting wrecked.


I did twistind corridors layer 1 on Gotnov tonight… man it was hard. The only reward was a little gold, the achievement and a anima power usable outside … gave me a choice between “grow really big and be unable to move except /dance” and “portal to an unknownn location”… I took the portal… hope I didn’t miss any rewards, I didn’t loot the last boss but I don’t think he was lootable… oh well. I guess twisting corridors is mostly 'do just to do it and some silly rewards" unless i missed something. don’t think I’m going further into it anytime… doubtful. Not that anyone cares… sorry for diarying in the lounge.

i watched it… i was disappointed that there were no snow leopards :stuck_out_tongue:

and i was confused about why someone was trying to drown themselves in the canal, but it made me laugh


“That’s what counts.”


(Lady Cyndi Lou looks around at the silent room.)

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This is really cute… but they went the long way!

I usually go to Menethil Harbor, jump in the water, swim to Stormwind and drown. One death that way.

I remember making the run to Elwynn on my new Blood Elf, just because, that was a lot of death! :rofl:

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on the home stretch now.
i’ve got 5 roomboxes to disassemble/pack, plus the triple level gnome-home extension (i discovered tissues are great for wrapping teeny parts!)
Marx dollhouse still needs its interior and garden packed.
plus a handful of misc items which haven’t managed to find their way into boxes with similar items.
all the garden ornaments are washed and ready to pack
(i picked up one frog to start packing them into a crate, and his head fell off… so i just decided "nope, not now, these can wait) :weary:
i think i’m going to go to bed now, it’s going to be a massive week.
if you don’t see me for a while, it’s because telstra still haven’t delivered my modem yet
(but i’ll probably be too busy for interwebs anyway)

enjoy your week, and send me some positive vibes every now and again… i’m going to need it!
