GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Less than a half hour to go. It has been behind-clenchingly close but I think I’ll make it through unscathed.

I think.


Went to the grocery store… the cashier was nice enough to let me go without putting anything back after i was 10 cents short for what i bought… yay.

Hope you make it, Elmer.

Hi all.



So anyways, about those skyrocketing gas prices…

Drove by my usual gas station, gas was $3.50/gallon… up from $3.09/gallon back in May :scream:

I want my $2.50/gallon gas back :roll_eyes: :-1:


“It just hit me… Why Elune took her powers back… Tyranda was about to go from Jeti to Sith, and Elune couldn’t let her slip into the Darkness. Where the Madness of the Night Warrior usually takes them.”


I like that idea. I had expressed something similar to Surfy as it relates to Sylvanas.

The moon, as it always must, will set and by doing so, take its granted powers with ir, thus allowing Tyrande to heal though the is a truly changed character.

By contrast, it was ironic that Sylvanas mocked her for it as, at the end of the new raid, the sun rose on Sylvanas shedding true light on the Jailer’s plans allowing her to become whole and thus, also irrevocably changed and allowed a chance to heal.

The surface nature of the two characters were inextricably linked and their conflict allowed for deep and meaningful character growth.


This is Blizzard. They’ll most likely forgo any character explanation and have Tyrande and Sylvanas finally duke it out in a baby pool fulled with chocolate pudding while wearing string bikinis or something stupid like that.


/wicked grin

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I just thought of the saltiest, salty, salt imaginable:

Imagine mythic guilds struggle with Sylvanas so much that by the time they’re able to beat her, LFR has fully opened up and the world first documented Sylvanas kill goes to some random LFR pug.


“I don’t want her to die… Again.”

I don’t think she will. I think she’ll do the truly heroic thing and, as repentence, take the Jailer’s place and become a demi-goddess of sorts.

What I want to happen, if I were writing her arc, is after the Jailer is truly defeated, all the Faction leaders are trying to convince her to come back, and in her newfound “wholeness”, she insists she will never serve at the behest or demands of others, and like Bolvar did, take the Jailer’s place.

But in doing so, the Maw and the nature of the Maw changes. No longer is it just this place of eternal torment for sins done, but a more intensive kind of Venthyr; irredeemable souls are made whole as Sylvanas was, so as not only repent of their sins but also understand the nature of redemption.

So basically, where the Venthyr cannot heal a soul, Sylvanas can because she has truly been redeemed.

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“I don’t want her stuck in the Maw either. I want her back in charge of the Forsaken, where she belongs.”

That would be good, but would it be redemption just to trade one form of forced servitude for another?

The other part of Sylvanas choosing to become the new Jailer is the heroic nature of her chosen sacrifice.

I could see a statue of her being erected near the Undercity, representing her both as Ranger General and Leader of the Forsaken with an epitaph that goes something like, “Once broken, then made whole; Made to serve but chose her destiny” or something pithy like that.

At this point, with the way Blizzard has written her over the decades, her arc is finally coming to a close and needs a definitive, and wholly satisfying end.

And that’s not to say Sylvanas still can’t have an impact as a “patron saint” of those who chose to serve and not forced to serve.

I’d argue that to come back as leader of the Forsaken and not elevate her to a huge degree, regardless of whether it makes sense or not; regardless of our own persona wishes, would be an insult to her character.

Same goes for Tyrande. Sure, she could come back to Azeroth a changed character for the better, but at the same time, her arc is closing too and Shandris seems to be in a relative place of importance to take over leadership. It would also makes sense to close Tyrande’s arc with something similar; perhaps as an actual avatar of Elune.

Anduin, though…he can rot and stew in his nefound edgy mcedgelord edginess with his threadbare Wrathion body pillow as he writes edgy emo poetry about his “dark soul feelings” like a high school freshman incel.

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“I. Want. Her. Back. Where. She. Belongs!!!”

“I will share what I wrote in another thread…”

“People keep bringing up the retconned parts of Sylvanas’ Story, and one thing they include in this is her Soul getting split in two, by Frostmourne. I don’t know about all the rest, but when I joined, in 2007, I looked up her story. Back then it said her Soul was split, and HALF of it was replaced by that of a Banshee Spirit. This is how Arthas controlled her so easily. After she broke free from his control, she still had a Banshee Spirit inside.”

“I think Blizz is just going back to their original idea, and have been leading up to this all along. That Banshee Spirit could have been how the Jailer was secretly influencing Sylvanas over the years, with out her even knowing it. Making her a Sleeper Agent, so to speak. Whispering to her in her dreams, conditioning her, for when he needed her to act. At which point the Jailer evoked that Banshee Spirit, and called her to serve, taking over Sylvanas.”

“Now that she has the other half of her soul, she can truly be healed, and come back to us.”

“Just a thought.”


I saw it and appreciated it. But to me, from a storytelling point of view-and I’m sure you’ll agree (maybe not?), character redemption has to come with a real, tangible cost.

And, to me, that redemption does not lie with being leader of the Forsaken. That would just take her back to square one characterwise.

I think, and the same goes for Tyrande, she has to be written out of the story in such a way that it it makes sense.

For Sylvanas, it means recognizing that a lot of what she has done, regardless of the motivation, means she cannot go back to being a mere faction leader. For a truly whole Sylvanas, it means chosing her own means of redemption and not being forced into redemption as defined by others and elevating her at the same time.

But I agree, making a “noble sacrifice” and getting herself killed doesn’t make sense either. In fact, that’s cheap redemption. I want her sacrifice to have a profound impact on the way people think about the nature of being split and finding their own path to redemption, not as it befits others and their desires but as it befits her choice.

Or maybe I’m just getting too deep into the metaphilosophical nature of things :slight_smile:

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“I disagree, and hate that idea. I am just going to shut up now.”

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Don’t. There’s no need to. It’s okay to not like it. I’m enjoying the difference of opinion and the exchange of ideas.


“I am just wishing I had some Friends on MY side.”

/follows the discussion with much interest
/places down her mug of KaldoreiDew and adds her 2 cents

Thinking it too may be a sign from the goddess that revenge is a wine crock with a big hole in it - it only promises emptyness.

We’re recovered what we could from the Maw - tis time for the priestess to follow the will of Mother Moon and lead our people into rebuilding and renewal - too long since the bungled human war have they suffered with many still languishing cast off in the streets of Stormwind.

The forsaken need a leader again - The Naru raised human is not forsaken, and has shown no idea of what it means to be forsaken.
As far as we know, she was not hunted by the various forms of the scarlet crusade for just existing.

The forsaken need a leader who knows what their life is, and has experienced the same.
The forsaken need a leader who understand alliances with Stormwind royalty will only go so far. They talk peace when it is in their interest, but sacrifice their peasants and other races fast enough when it suits them.

We have not forgotten how Stormwind, with all it’s vaunted high mage magic - was slow in evacuation of the tree.

The forsaken need The Dark Lady back again, and they need their city back.

just my meaningless 2 cents :slight_smile:

/returns to her mug
/raises mug in salute to the gnomey and the queen of cookies :slight_smile:


Happy Saturday to all :slight_smile:

Hoping to be in civilization soon :smiley:


pokes his head out of his fort

HOORAY! I’m glad your time off went well, and living in my pillow fort is fun, BUT I WANT MY SURFYPOCKET BACK!

ducks back into his pillow fort to pack his stuff up, and prepare for moving back into his Nelfy’s pocket

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whirls into the lounge like a maniac

At least Garrosh got an AWESOME end! Like a true warrior!

whirls back out of the lounge like a maniac