GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“And now… Back to my Rock and Roll Night…”

I’m wondering: Considering Misaka immediately went all excited when she at first thought something was Gekota only to switch to disappointed mode when she realized it was a different unrelated Frog Mascot how would she react to some immature clown trying to force a Non-Gekota Frog Mascot into her face?

I would imagine an electro-shock with the Non-Gekota Frog Mascot being damaged as a result. She does not seem like the type to tolerate immature ridiculousness being applied to her by others.

update: settlement has been brought forward to monday!
i should have the keys monday arvo/tuesday morning.
…and now that i need to work faster to get everything packed and organized, i’m going to go take a nap. :laughing:

i’ve spent the last couple of hours cleaning a chandelier, only to look at the house photos and discover there are ceiling fan/light combos everywhere.

my chandelier may end up in the toilet… i’ll have the fanciest dunny in town! :blush:


“Does it have hanging Crystals? If so, take them with you. They make GREAT Window Decorations.”

it’s kind of like strings of shiny silver plastic coins

i couldn’t afford glass or crystal, i just wanted fancy and sparkling

i still have about 5 rings worth of strands to clean.
i gave it a swirl in the basin with some detergent and rinsed it, but when it dried it had dust which has stuck on, and watermarks.
so now i have to polish each circle individually, or i just won’t be happy to re-hang it.

…and now you’ve got me wanting a glass one to put above the kitchen sink!

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“Which direction does it face? North, East, South, or West?”

i think it’d be close to ESE?

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“Nice. Rainbows in your Morning.”

sounds good :rainbow:


meow. Chrisp here. internet’s on the fritz for yesterday and so far today hopefully will be fixed by today sometime. Can’t play any games, don’t have any money to have any other hobbies or buy anything, could go for a walk today in the daytime I guess. Or sit outside in the sun. Life could be worse I guess.

“This, at least. It can help a lot. Just remember to have water near by, and sun screen.”

“If you can bring music outside with you, even better.”

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At first I thought it was my doing, the internet going out, but my phone’s internet doesn’t work good either so maybe it’s just the house router going out again. I dunno. Maybe it is my computer too.

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“Your provider could be having trouble too.”

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Hope you’ve all been well, anyway.

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“Doing good here. Finally got our SL Flying, and are having fun in the Maw now, since we got rid of that darn all seeing eye.”

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I haven’t got flying SL yet… sigh. Maybe some days from now after internet gets fixed and I play for multiple days to get the renown needed.

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“What is your renown at now?”

Lessee… (switches to main and only 60) (looks at armory) renown 38 it says.)
lol I am still using the heart of azeroth (facepalm)

“You are only 6 away from flying. You can get four a week, I think, so it will take two weeks. But it’s real easy.”

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that’s nice.

drank a lot of coffee so will be staying up all night i guess. plus just generally restless. not restless enough to go for a night stroll though lol.

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