GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

That reminds me of the Young Ones; R.I.P
Rik Mayall


Happy almost Friday

I think…lol


If nothing else, it’s Friday eve. Close enough. :smiley:

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eww… their make-up is getting better.
those pustules are gross :face_vomiting:

“I don’t like playing with a dark screen. It hurts my eyes.”

comes busting out of his fort under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table, wrapped up in his favorite blankie, and scattering pillows all over the Lounge


scrambles up on Surfy’s shoulder, gives her super big smooch on the cheek, and a super DUPER big hug around her neck

I hope you had a super duper good week! I made a fort under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table, ate lots and lots of tasty :bear::sandwich:, told a funny otter joke, and watched a lot of adorable otter videos! Ohh! I also got my flying green fox mount today too!

snuggles into Surfy’s lap wrapped up in his favorite blankie, and snurfles happily

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It’s not too bad, and you can always click off the buff when you want, but I do reccommend seeing just how gorgeous it is from the air at least once.


“Their in game nighttime is good enough for me.”


Exactly! And what makes it so beautiful is all the ambient blue glow, the lamps on the roads are lit beautifully…my god, it’s like being in Van Gogh’s Starry Night.


“Just watch out for the beasties in the air. They don’t like us.”


No beasties in the air! And the flocks of birds flying around are fun to fly through too!

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“You haven’t flown around the Heart of The Forest yet, if you thinks there are no mean beasties in the air.”

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I have but I tend to avoid those beasties!

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And, I just discovered, my flying green fox has a blue headlight! And the Sandstone Drake has glowy lights too!

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“Where do you get the Green one?”

Korthia. It’s a daily rare spawn on the southwest edge of Korthia. If someone else spawns it, you’ll see a zone wide announcement that says something like “wilderling lets out a roar”.

If no one has summoned it, and there are Ardenweald NPCs there, you bang the drum to summon him.

After he gets to around 10%, he retreats and you can ride him. Perodically, he puts on a burst of speed, and you press the vehicle button. Easy stuff. Once you’ve filled up the bar you “tame” him.

You get a box of loot, some relics, AND of you’re Ardenweald and lucky, you’ll get the Wilderling saddle to turn in back at the hub for the mount.

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“What if I am in a group? Can we all get it?”

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The mount is a person by person drop.

So if we were in a group, and you got it I would not necessarily get it.

But the mob itself is open tag and only does an interruptable fear and has an easily dispellable enrage.

Edit: It seems to have a fairly good drop rate. I’ve only been farming it for a week.

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“Never mind. I ain’t doing it alone.”

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You won’t be. As soon as he spawns, people come running like most rares on Korthia :slight_smile:

And since it’s open tag, Horde and Alliance can help without worry.