GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Hope this trailer for the new Pixar movie trailer about a girl turning into a Red Panda cheers you up :wink:


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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the trailer is a bit… strange, but i love pretty much every Pixar movie i’ve watched.
sometimes it’s nice to just chill with some wholesome fun, instead of murder and violence and swearing.
(which is weird for me, because i use murder/forensic shows to lull myself to sleep!) :upside_down_face:


i hope you’re doing well.
i think i’m going to take some inspiration from you, and create my own little zen zone once i’ve finished moving!!

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“Zen Zones can do healing magic, for sure.”

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pokes his head out of his pillow fort, wearing his feetie jammies, and holding a half-eaten tasty :bear::sandwich:

Hooray! We made it through another day!

ducks back into his fort to eat tasty :bear::sandwich:, watch funny otter videos, and get a good night’s sleep

You should find a nice Nelfy and live in their pocket! It’s very happy thing to do!

“Thought you might like to know, that I got the idea from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Frankie’s Zen Room.”

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I am home after the movies and a bunch of mosquitoes followed me inside. My home is off limits I say. Ugh.

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“What did you go see?”

Black Widow.

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“Was it any good?”

Yes. I liked it.

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“Good news.”

whoa interesting I really like this post


“Welcome to our Realm of Insanity.”
/courtly bow

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Screw it. Putting on the teir two pally robe to protect myself from the bugs.

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“Make some Garlic Water. They hate Garlic, so filling the house with the smell of it will drive them out.”

We don’t have any. My parents do as well. Last time I had garlic breadsticks my dead said I was killing him from the smell.

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“Dang. I love the smell of it.”

best typo ever :joy:

i don’t think i’d fit… unless someone could hit me with a gnomish shrink gun first?
but it sounds a bit too cosy, like somewhere designed just for napping.
hmm… maybe that IS what i need!!
that little “nap” that i went to take, turned into 6 hours of sleep… the most i’ve slept in a week.
i guess i needed it.
i was super annoyed when i woke up and it was night time, but i’ve got 1 week until moving day, and i’m not going to be much help if i’m burned out by then.
if i had a nelfy pocket, i’d just go to sleep and wake up when this was all over!! :smiley: