GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

pokes his head out from under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table

I’m making a fort!

giggles as he stacks up more pillows


“I’m just watching old movies. The original King Kong is on right now.”



Taste like Cream Soda


The 1930s version ?



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Everyone pray I get a 252 weapon outa my vault tomorrow

It’ll be an amazing way to start season 2 lol


chrisp remains worthless and a failure at life mostly basically
sinned some more, can’t seem to kick the habit
i’m a downer sorry

i hope you all have nice nights and nice days ahead

(Lady Cyndi Lou looks around at the silent room.)

so… apparently i messed up, and i was looking at the US target website last night.

i felt like an absolute doofus when i asked a staff member to point me towards items which didn’t exist. :confounded:

on the upside, i found some Grogu pyjamas while i was in there.
now i have both summer and winter Grogu jammies!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

i still have no plate stands, and no door mat.
i’ve got one more store in mind to try tomorrow.
but right now, i’m going to enjoy this coffee, and then get back to packing.
i sure hope the unpacking is a MUCH faster process :zipper_mouth_face:


pokes his head out of the fort he’s built under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table

Happy It’s Not Monday Day! And it’s not just an-otter Tuesday, you know!

giggles at his pun and hides back in his fort to watch more adorable otter videos and eat tasty :bear::sandwich:

OOC: just three more days and I’m taking the first honest-to-goodness vacation I’ve taken in two years!


When I see the word pajamas spelled like that it makes me think of

that’s just how we spell it. :stuck_out_tongue:

my son used to be so addicted to that show.
no matter how much of a bad mood he was in, he’d hear the music and grab his teddy (which was of course named Morgan) and run to the tv to watch.
he couldn’t say “bananas in pyjamas”, and called it “narn jarms” :laughing:

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That’s adorable! Years and years ago, we had two boy Persian cats named Nelson (a blue eyed, white, and deaf) and Bondo (gray) to whom we gave these fairly chaotic personalities to (example: after 9/11, they got a box of cookies, jumped on a front-end loader, and rode out to Ft. Knox, to deliver the cookies to the troops. But they got hungry along the way and ate all the cookies. When they got to Ft. Knox, they decided to show their patriotism and spraypainted all the tanks red, white, and blue.) and they loved Banannas in Pyjamas because they were a bit similar.

Heck, now that I think of it, Elmer is very much the same way.

Man, the storytelling never goes away.


^^^ I need this badly!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


your cat was a mechangnome?! :astonished:

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Hooray! As I was jumping around in Nazjatar waiting for shutdown, I saw another Gnome hunter and complimented him on his nifty pet spider.

He mentioned how he liked my kitty, Floof Floof!

Sometimes, all it takes to be sociable in this game is to be sociable!


They changed the gnomes starter pet from a bunny to a spider. They also did other race hunter pet changes. Blood elf has a mana worm instead of a dragonhawk starter now.

Where are my scars for my toons? For males only? Really? Seriously?


Yesterday after taking about 40 min to get a group to kill a fel reaver and still unable to kill it we did the only sensible thing.

Kited the unholy machine into Honor Hold for the guards to help us. There was a pile of machine parts in the center of town. I now have my Shattered halls key though.


pokes his head out from his fort under the tasty :bear::sandwich:

I better still have my robot bunny!

ducks back inside his fort to watch adorable otter videos and eat tasty :bear::sandwich:

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i came to have a sook.
i can’t sleep more than 3 hours at a time.
woke up at 5am and had kankles… and had to go digging to find the fluid retention tablets which had already been packed. :roll_eyes:
pottered around and went back to bed.
woke up again at 9am, craving chocolate milk. (not sure why, totally weird and random!) …but of course, the powdered Quik and the chocolate syrup were both packed away.
i settled for chocolate custard washed down with plain milk.
it was weird.
going back to bed again for a couple of hours now!