GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

hah that’s awesome :joy:

i’m headed to Target tomorrow to get some acrylic plate stands (thrilling stuff)
i think i’ll browse their mat selection online before i go.
i’ve already checked a bunch of stores, there was a cute mandala one, but it didn’t seem highly functional.
if i can’t find something i like in the next couple of days, i’ll go get the mandala mat and just wait for the “perfect” one to find me.
i’m sure if i go and buy something, i’ll see a better one the next day :joy:

i think i found one which will do for now… it sort of matches the stained glass window…

yay, i might sleep better knowing that i can probably tick the final shopping item off my list!
(i bet they’re out of stock! if so, there’s one which says “oh hello”, and is more neutral than “welcome”) :smile:


or the Primus in in his mortal forum


Moring. I woke up on the wrong side of the house but I think I am ok.


If you think that’s bad, my Nelfy is on a much deserved vacation so I’m camping out under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table until she comes back.

It’s like an adventure!

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at least I got some sleep just now. Couldn’t sleep all night.



What do you guys think, should I…

Finish BFA for flying


Move on into Shadowlands and worry about BFA flying later.

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How close are you to finishing up the Pathfinder requirements?
How much time do you plan to spend in BFA on alts?

If close then finish it or have a lot of alts in the pipeline then finish it, otherwise move on the Shadowlands. My sort of humble opinion. :slight_smile:

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I have exalted on this toon and almost the other requirements on this toon. I’m leaning towards my hunter as main. I don’t play my other alts as much anymore. Its going fast, all the skipping that Blizz gave helps finish it quicker.

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Mom had a cool surprise for me. Her ex back when they were dating ordered a pair of drumsticks that the drummer for Rammstein uses. It’s got the bands logo and his signature on it. Well not like he signed it with a marker, it’s like embedded. I’m tired and can’t word good.


So would those be Doom sticks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Kek kek.

Was still a nice surprise. He might not be the best drummer but dangit he’s fun to watch. He’s just “head empty. no thoughts. just vibes and tappity tap tap”

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I hope those are better then Death Sticks. I just kicked that habit.

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I am going to go to the theater in the first time in over a year. Me and my cousin are going to see Black Widow.


ugh… i’m not getting any sleep.
there’s too much “movement” in the house.
all the stuff which is packed in boxes keeps settling during the night, and i hear noises and am instantly wide awake.

i just went and dragged all my gnomes out of their garden spots, and gave them a good hosing down, and am about to try getting a nap in for an hour before pill time.

hopefully i wake up nice and refreshed, and ready to tackle Target!!


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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I will be back later. I hope everyone has a good day/night. I am going to go hunt and write.

/leaves some cookies.


(Lady Cyndi Lou just sits in her Huge Papasan Chair, in the Cookie Corner, and waits for someone to talk with.)


Shadowlands now, BFA later when you can breeze through it at your own pace and the rep buffs are up.