GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket and waves

Hello! We have been…waiding…for you.

giggles and goes back inside Surfy’s pocket to eat more tasty :bear::sandwich: and watch adorable otter videos


Things are slowly starting to work out and you will see my giant self return soonish.


It’s the Weekend!!! Have a great day everyone!!


1,220 players on my server now. Looking at WoW progress it looks like a whole guild moved out and not sure about the other.

Those 2 guilds were the only actually Horde competition we had left.are now gone. My joy for raiding on this server is dead. This is almost a pure blue server, I just wish I knew why my server could’nt be connected. It’s a west coast server so I don’t know if that matters.

I was a noob when I chose this server, didn’t know anything about it.


As a noob I didn’t realize I could pick servers, and let the game choose for me, bad choice. :rofl:

Then when someone mentioned in trade about switching servers I went to go pick an RP server, but I knew nothing about them and picked really low population more like PVE then RP servers. It was so boring there even though the few remaining people were nice.

I rerolled yet again and finally got the right balance on the servers that I like. I think a lot of people have a lot of trial and error when first picking their servers.


:musical_note: I’m a just a

of Winslow Arizona , it’s such a fine sight to see :musical_note:



So earlier while driving around/running some errands I heard a radio commercial from Amazon. It said something like “Amazon is now hiring! Get a $1000 sign-on bonus and earn $20/hour”.

Then while I was randomly checking the weather on my phone I happened to notice a story/article (off to the side) about a local bar offering a $2500 sign-on bonus and how “we just can’t find people”.

My goodness, what is going on out there?? I just have no idea what’s going on in this world anymore, nothing makes sense :man_facepalming:

Which one is it??

Is the economy still trashed and no one is hiring/jobs hard to come by?

Or is there really this alleged “worker shortage” I keep hearing/reading about?

It can’t be both, one side (whether employers or workers) has to be lying… :thinking:


trying to update my forum activity pls ignore

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More like people would rather sit on their butts and collect unemployment.

I did it for a month or two and couldn’t wait to get back to work . I was so bored that even if I made less working then I would collecting unemployment it was worth it.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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meow. chrisp exists. i havent had a job in 21 years… you probably hate my type Waidmann. I appreciate your type though since they get all the good and necessary stuff done and make the world run and feed and house me.

I wish I could be a good person and work.

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“I haven’t worked since I broke my back, when I was 18. I am 63 now. Disabilities are nothing to be ashamed of.”


i have diagnosed schizophrenia but I think… I dunno. Oh well.


“Just because your scars are on the inside, doesn’t make them unreal.”

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Is there a reason you can’t like Cyndilou be it physical or mental reasons .

Not everyone who gets help is a problem .

I’m talking about those that would rather continue collecting unemployment for as long as they can then work .

If you are old enough to have been able to work for 21 years and are not , then it is most likely some other factor because you would not been able to collect unemployment that long.


That is a legitimate reason . So I am guessing you are receiving some form of disability compensation .

I’m fine with that.


“He is broken, in the inside. His brain doesn’t work right. That is why he can’t work. They don’t really know how to fix the brain yet.”

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“I got hit in the head by a car. The only thing between me and the impact was the door of the car I was in. Brain Injuries I understand. That was the same car wreck I broke my back in.”

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I went back up and saw his response and that is a good reason for not being able to work .

My issue is with people that are actually capable of working but refuse to as long as the Federal Government is willing to supplement the state’s unemployment.

When I got furloughed last year for a couple of months the unemployment was a pay cut , then when I went back and took a lower position with a .60 pay cut the unemployment was an increase compared to what I was making when i went back.

Didn’t bother me that I was making less then I was on unemployment at the time . I was just glad to be back at work . I like keeping busy . To be honest I don’t know if I will fully retire and if I do it will probably be in my 70s.

I’m going to do what I do now (restaurant cook ) for a few more years maybe until 60 . Then I’m thinking of maybe doing something like Grub Hub ,Uber Eats or some other company like that until I can’t work no more.