GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

so yeah some folks make that very clear those who bully behind the scenes they tend to get to me from time to time

There use to be an RP forum long ago.

When I started playing WoW in MoP, I use to visit once in a blue moon and play along. I use to post when you could post in the race sumerization.

Once I got into a raiding guild I was too occupied to see any the stuff that went on here.

I would love for Blizz to bring a forum where we can talk about our races. A place to talk about orcs, blood elves, tauren, etcetera.

“There still is. The World’s End Tavern Forums are the RP Forums.”


I thought they closed that. I must have not read it and scrolled past it.

I do better RP on my blood elf dk, than all my other toons.


you dont have to agree or disagree with it but i think it’s easy to see why folks are not happy


Well I hope that I can relax for a bit now. I just send the letter to end it with my old editor and started a contract with a new one. I will have a book edited and ready by the end of this year now.

I still feel bad though. I was friends with my old editor and this wasn’t easy for me to do but she was just do much for me to afford.


happy National Video Game Day!


climbs out of Surfy’s pocket wearing his feetie jammies and carrying his favorite blankie

Happy Fursday, everyone! Here’s a cute otter video to help get you through the day!

sets up a big table full of tasty :bear::sandwich:, climbs into Surfy’s lap, snuggles in his favorite blankie, turns on some adorable otter videos, and snurfles happily


“Invisible Otters. That’s a first.”

“There they are! Must be Rogue Otters.”


I fixed it! :grin:


Surfy and I agree:

The faeries in Ardenweald are clearly Gnome souls given how clever, mischeiveious, sarcastic, and crazy they are. And Moonberry? Ohhhhh, just wait till you see how crazy she gets this patch!

But Owlkin? “I FIX!”? I have to wonder if they’re repentant Leper Gnome souls. They’re quite handy and eager to help with even the most menial of tasks but not exactly the brightest bulb in the lamp, proven by their broken speech.


“I was thinking the Owlkin could be goblins, made to serve, for free, since in life they lived to make OTHERS pay.”


Only Gallywix, to my knowledge, enslaved other Goblins. Goblins have their faults, to be sure, but being a race of slavers is not among them :slight_smile:

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Finding any good trolls to feast on Mr Mal :slight_smile:


looks up from watching adorable otter videos in Surfy’s lap

Oh! There you are!

gives Surfy a big smooch on the cheek, a tasty :bear::sandwich:, and a big hug around her neck

This is a happy video!


awww :dog: :dog: :dog:

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These bears are too adorable to eat.

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Worgen should be able to be monks at least. And if Kul Tiran can be both druids and shaman, wouldn’t it make sense that possibly worgen could be shaman?

Also worgen racials need a slight buff IMO

5% snare reduction passive or reduced cd on darkflight

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Kul’tiran monks, Lol. :rofl:

Vulpera monks too. :laughing:


Yes, exactly!

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