GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

falls out of Surfy’s lap, sniffles, eats a tasty :bear::sandwich:, and continues to watch adorable otter videos

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lol yep, missed my daily dose of otter yesterday :slight_smile:

Not as much as I’d like these days. Seems like 2021 is a nasty sequel to 2020.

Hoping 2022 is incredibly dull :smiley:

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True, but as is the case with most sequels, as bad as it is, it is still vastly (and thankfully) inferior to the original.

At least in my opinion.


It is - Since the writers of it avoided the sequel mistake of reusing the same bad guy over and over

Still Once in a while a little My little pony isn’t a bad thing :rofl: :rofl:

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Some years are like that, 2021 is doing a lot better then 2020 for me and my family, so ill take it!

Hopefully 2022 will be a good year for everyone!


Cool, you still in school?

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aYea they need to reforge SL cuz its bad

I’m probably a bit more simplistic than most in the game

I’ve sometimes just run around Ardenwald admiring the scene. I’m also the silly type who will run around the heart of the forest to see if I recognize any of the npcs I’ve recovered.

But I do respect that it’s not for all folks /hugs

Hopefully it gets better for ya :smiley:

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Yes mam, still like 1 more year to do and its all over for me finally


Awesome :slight_smile:

Now don’t get like me

20 years after the fact I’m missing lab classes :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket

And sometimes you go on picnics with me!

giggles, and climbs up on Surfy’s shoulder to give her a big smooch on the cheek and a big hug around her neck

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haha, school just make it easier to enter in the workplace in a domain that you want to go and its the traditional way. I woulda like go in biology or be a veterinary, but my monkey brain is just not good enough to remember all the things even tho i know where to find in the book. So im stuck with management so i can make the workplace not a disaster.

You can bypass that crap and do big money without the school papers, just have to do it differently to get there really.


thought i’d pop in for an update.

it’s been a rough week.
got my fridge/washing machine/tv
then stuffed my back and had to do lots of anti-inflammatory gel and resting.
go to finalize the transfer through the bank, and they were unwilling to transfer the money because they think it’s a scam.
LOL… yep, sure thing dudes.
these people have spent decades building these resorts, housing thousands of people, all for the build-up to scam me out of a couple hundy-thou bucks. :roll_eyes:
…so now i have to jump through hoops to try and get this junk sorted with the bank, AND they want to charge me $35 to transfer my own money, after trying to prevent me from transferring it.

i’ve been with this bank for 45 years.
i think it’s time to wave good-bye to them.
(i was silly to think things could possibly go smoothly)


Last week for dessert we made a donut lasagna.
Take an large baking dish, put chocolate chip cookie dough (homemade or store bought) completely on the bottom and bake. This is the crust.
After cooling layer the bottom with your favorite donuts such as a mix of Krispy Kreme glazed and fruit filled.
Then add over those pie filling such as strawberry, cherry, blueberry, apple, etc. One can add a few tablespoons of one’s favorite bourbon to enhance the flavors.
Chill before serving and be prepared to have blissfully gained a pound or two.

Complete overkill and easy to make. Inspired by the YouTube show, Epic Mealtime.


Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), it’s often the things we want/need the most to go smoothly that don’t. I’ve learned that most often, it’s a good thing as it forces you to really valuate the thing that you want/need.

I can’t count how many times I’ve wanted something, had it go smooth as silk, only to realize much too late it was not worth it.


omgosh I love this
(starts scribbling notes) :smiley:


So will the diabetes :joy::joy::joy::joy:


they’re a bit late, i already entered into the contract, and the cooling off period has passed.
i’m glad i didn’t leave paying the final settlement any later, or it would have caused a lot more stress.
…at this point, it’s just inconvenience and embarrassment.

i feel like it’s just… how i look.
i look like a yobbo who shouldn’t have cash to splash.
even shopping for appliances, it was non-stop “can i help you”? …but not in a polite helpful way, in a distasteful “hurry up and leave our store because you look like you’re going to steal stuff” type way. :roll_eyes:

but in good news, the back fence has been replaced after the big storm demolished it, and they were able to rescue the clothes line! (i’m not sure how stable it will be after the fence crushed it, they may have just bent it back into a standing position for the photo) :joy:


As someone who spent the better part of a decade + in comission sales, I don’t think it’s so much of a dig at you.

A ton of corporations, depending on where you live, have tried to make in-store shopping as “minimal time/contact” as possible to minimalize potential contact with Covid 19.

In addition, the days of real days of actual consultative sales is dead and has been for years. Now the focus is not so much on selli.g the customer what they need as it is meeting stupid metrics that make absolutely zero sense to anyone but a bean counter.

And to make things worse, those sales people are underatandably desperate to meet those meteics to ensure that in an employee’s market, they can keep their jobs.

It sucks, let’s be real. But as someone who has seen at least three industries change through mergers, mismanagment, metric focused sales, and sheer corporate indifference plus a global pandemic, it makes sense.

I know it’s difficult not to take personally, but I really wouldn’t.