GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

The teleport thingy back to our happy home…yep :slight_smile:

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“We could also hit Darkmoon Faire. They have Music.”

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Been talking with a certain gnome about how to do it.

He’s been wanting to try a “lounge class photo” :slight_smile:

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“We can talk through Bnet, or Discord. In Discord we can group chat.”

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Yup :slight_smile:

Is Bnet accessable on the cell phone app

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“I don’t know, but I know Discord is.”

“It would be hard to group in Bnet, wouldn’t it? Can’t group chat there, can we?”

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Not sure. I’m actually sitting here grumbling “remember when phones were used for calling” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


“Did you get a mic yet? We could voice chat in Discord, just the three of us. Nice and private. That way we can talk and play at the same time.”

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ooo is good thought :slight_smile:

Thinking I might need a new laptop outright (I get lots of errors in discord), but I can work on it

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“Perfect. And on that note, it’s time to wander off, in search of sleep.”

Sleep well :slight_smile:

rofl! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket, sets up a big table of tasty :bear::sandwich: for everyone, gets his favorite blankie, climbs into Surfy’s lap, and watches adorable otter videos

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Greymane seems more to me like the type that would stand around in WG keep and complain loudly about everyone else without doing a thing before going to GD, and making a big long winded post about how healers in PvP are terrible, awful players and should stick to LFR while convienently forgetting he allowed two ranged dps to chain cc his dedicated heals before they ganked Anduin.

Or at least that’s my impression.

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I hope the beautiful people in here all have a wonderful morning!




Wooohooo A Real Live Fleb sighting

/starts dancing around the lounge in complete happiness

Carrot cake for all wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


yep, even the horses were more aware what was coming than greymane :rofl: :rofl:

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Heck, even Anduin was more aware then Greymane!

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Yes it is me, little ol Fleb, just popping in after eons haha.

Happy to see you are still around miss surfy!