GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

they do make me look like a studious nelfy I like them

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“I wear Glasses in rl, now Cyndi Lou can wear them in game too.”

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“And John Lennons have always been my fave style.”


ugh someone set of fireworks early - woke up everyone :frowning:

Time to burn some bacon - back soon :slight_smile:


/understanding hug

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“For you, Surfy.”






I went to fireworks in my neighborhood they shoot them off at the beach and everyone walks down there.
I saw two idiots who brought their dogs.
The poor dogs were terrified. I’m talking peeing themselves, crouched down, unable to walk terrified.

It was so sad.

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that sucks.

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Well hello there


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Anyone else here watching the NBA playoffs?

I know I’m a weird combination of big WoW fan and big sports fan.

Usually during the regular season I’m ‘meh’ about the NBA, but when playoffs hit I’m all in.


same with my dogs had to give up my night of explosions for them but sometimes you gotta do what you got to do i also assisted them with finding a acceptable hiding place!

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before tomorrow happens i just want to say i trust in the plan! and am looking forward to it being unveiled

My pug seems impervious to thunder and fireworks. Nothing interrupts nap time.

(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

I wonder: if the Otsutsuki Clan were shown the abilities that Nagato and Madara used(6 Paths of Pain and the Chakra Spheres) would they start flaunting the Abilities themselves thus becoming even greater threats?

Even Isshiki seemed to rely on his natural abilities though a lot more competently in combat which I can guess is natural considering he is stuck on a planet with Ninja empowered by the son of his retainer Kaguya who all managed to come up with advanced techniques with their Ninjutsu.

what’s really impressive is this place has been going for 6 years now thanks to folks past and present

/throws a hand full on poppers on the ground

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“We have had Lounges for longer than that. They made them way back in 2008, when I first got here, but keeping them was a real battle. When we finally got them to let us have ONE main one, and we started taking turns making them, it started getting better. Now they are actually sanctioned.”

i had a look at the ff14 forums today and the community there just impressed the heck out of me they have zero tolerance for bs

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“That’s cool.”