GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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chrisp’s life is unpleasant sometimes.
i guess everyone deals with that.
hopefully chrisp is not bothering other people too much though.
otherwise they might kill him.

I’m just hiding from GD until Tuesday, tired of hearing people whining.

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I thought I would link the source of the music I had.

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had to spend the last two nights in the basement with my dog the fireworks scare the heck out of her

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(Lady Cyndi Lou sighs, and wanders back out.)

I just had to make a really hard decision and look for a new editor. I just can’t wait months for a response anymore.

I understand why it has been taking so long (family issues and covid) but things are starting to have a negative impact on my life for waiting and I just need to find someone who isn’t dealing with so much issues and can’t contact me for months at a time. I haven’t worked with my editor full time in a year and a half and I still have a book and a half to finish editing.


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)

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Never realized we could clear some threads out of our feed - so gleefully muting a topic or two this morning :slight_smile:



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My kingdom for a doodlegnome thread :smiley:


“I miss them SOOOOOO much!”
/sad eyes

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I didn’t know we could mute threads - learned it in the other lounge

So I’m muting some excessive stuff about the latest outrage du jour

:rofl: :rofl:

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“I just ignore them all but the ones I like. I don’t even look at the menu much.”


I used to - just got annoying to scroll down 20-30 items to find something happy.

“I just leave the ones I like open. I only hit the menu occasionally.”

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oh cool :slight_smile:

GD used to be good for hearing of new things in the game, but I think I heard about the glasses from you a good five days before I saw a thread with them :rofl:

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“Midare told me about them in another thread.”

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