GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

chrisp here, existing and waiting to be banned for being bad someday or at least shunned
until then keep saying i’m good maybe it’s true somehow I dunno
i’m sad
oh well
i ate well today at least and hung out with family

i smell garlic or something
i didn’t eat garlic
maybe it was the supreme pizza i ate but i don’t think so
oh well

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“Pizzas DO tend to have garlic on them.”

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hi cyndi.
sorry for being lewd and evil.

sorry for existing, all.

i’m just playing hearthstone right now. i’m at diamond 9 rank wild.

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Only one pizza I know don’t have it -my fav Peanut butter and Jelly Pizza :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

Yeah, it’s a politer more accepting community (except Wow trolls :rofl:)

Good Morning folks



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That moment where you are so not ready for the morning - you are pausing savoring the coffee aroma :rofl:

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“I posted a song for you this morning, did you see it?”

Was singing it most of the day :slight_smile:

Think I pinched a nerve so I needed the smile :smiley:

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“YAY!!! I wasn’t sure, because you didn’t heart it, like you usually do, to let me know you got the message.”
/silly smile

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awww :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

Where today is effectively Monday at work I’ll probably be singing it today as well :smiley:

Stoopid request comes in “just another manic mondayyyyyy”
Snoozepalooza of a meeting “just another manic mondayyyyyy”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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“May it give you strength!”

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Music has been so important in getting to another day.

Boston Pops had John Baptiste at their 4th of July event this year, when you got a musician who knows he has the power to lift spirits it’s just magic. Hoping some of it makes youtube


“By the way, let me know when you have a slow weekend. I have a bunch of quests, on Classic, that Little Cyndi can’t do by herself. She needs her sister’s help.”
/sad eyes


Definitely. This weekend coming I’m kind of exiled to the woods (not sure about wifi) But lets see what we can do the weekend after :smiley:


Horde Cyndi right, not Harley?

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“Yeah, Horde Cyndi.”

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Cool :slight_smile:

I figure to be back in civilization the 16th or 17th.

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“Sounds good.”

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Hope I didnt scare off Aeve and Chrisp

I know glowy eyed me can be scarey :slight_smile: