GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

gives Aev an extra tasty AND extra big :bear::sandwich: and a hug

If someone says you’re not welcome, me and Surfy will give them lots and lots and lots of hugs…WITH BULLETS AND KITTIES! because they’re being mean to OUR Aev!

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Well, think my time of being a panda is coming to its end

Sold buncha old boe stuff, can just waste gold to race change again lol

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pokes his head through his Deathgate

Oh yeah? Who says you’re not welcome? They better take it back or I’m gonna do something totally evil to 'em like dunk 'em head first into a pool full of totally evil murlocs…or not invite them to the totally evil sexy dance parties I’m gonna hold when I take over the Maw!


dashes back through his Deathgate to think of some totally evil stuff to do to people who doesn’t like his totally evil friends!

/picks Aevealmue up for a hug.

Hey you are welcome here. You always are.


ff14 is owned by square enix and they are a Japanese company.


hands Loko a super big bag of extra tasty :bear::sandwich: to eat on their break

Come back soon!

gives Loko a big hug and some silly otter videos to watch during their break

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steals all the :bear::sandwich:

big day out, spending lots of money on storage solutions for tinyhome.

i got a bamboo over-the-toilet rack which will hold TP, a reed diffuser, a bamboo basket for hygiene products, and loo cleaning stuff.
got a marbled ceramic brush holder, and i think that’s the smallest room in the house taken care of!

found a nice big shower caddy

and an over-microwave storage rack

…and that’s enough spending for the day.

spent this morning sorting out internet, so hopefully that part goes smoothly!!

still so much stuff to sort through :grimacing:

i’ve decided on the furniture i want for lounge/dining, just have to wait to get back in to see if i can fit the 6 seater, or if it’ll have to be the 4 seater dining set.

i’m riding waves from excitement, to stress, to “omg what am i doing”, to anxiety and a bit of fear.
this is a real roller coaster!
i’ve recruited 3 people to help me unpack and arrange things, so hopefully it won’t be too daunting once all the stuff gets to the new house.
the most draining part right now, is trying to have confidence that i’m letting go of the right things in the downsizing.

I’ve earned a nice nap now.


As an Elf fan, I will harken back to a time where we celebrated Wells and Trees.


“Ever read the Elfquest Graphic Novels?”


You should read it, it’s out of date but pretty good. I liked it.

I have the link on my tablet, but not on my phone. Cyndilou can provide the link for you or Google it.

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“I can’t post links.”
/sad eyes

I’m in the same boat. :slightly_frowning_face:

At trust level 2 we can post wowhead links.

I don’t understand how that works or why when tl3 is the link post requirement.

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“Time for me to wander off to sleep. If Cursewords has any questions about the Comics, I’m sure you can answer them. I am very glad you enjoyed them.”

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Night, night.

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Yeah, the trust level never made sense to me. All Tl3 feels like is I jumped thru all the right hoops - doesn’t mean I’m any better or any worse than the next nelf.

It sure hasn’t made GD any more happier of a place either. I suppose Bliz felt like they needed to try something

ah well - enough of the silly nelfy soapbox

Happy Tuesday folks


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket

Yay, my Nelfy is here!

grabs his favorite blankie, two tasty :bear::sandwich: to share with Surfy, and climbs up into Surfy’s lap to watch funny otter videos and wriggles his toes in his brand new, bright red socks


/Loads otter video

/Gets popcorn going


That’s Elmer’s face when he sees a tasty :bear:! :rofl::rofl:


Yeah that’s one happy otter

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It’s a tough life but someone otter live it

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