GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

omg… i’ve found a new addiction.

this guy has such a soothing voice, and learning about all the processes involved in restorations is utterly fascinating!

if anyone needs some new and different stuff to watch, i highly recommend you give this a go!
(and the people in the comments are hilarious and everyone is very laid back… no drama!)


I have a link you can watch for free. If your in Oribos Airlines discord I can link it to you in Discord.

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i will track down a place to see it thanks :slight_smile:

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Everyone. Hope everyone is having a good day

Going to rest in the corner of the lounge.



Things can be weird sometimes. I am checking out Area 52 to see where all the vendors are and if there might be an alchemy vendor. Someone tells me to back off as they are camping the eng vendor for a pattern.

“Just ignore that fool.”


“Personally I would have just replied and told them I am looking for the Alchemy Vendor, and ask if they know if that place has one.”

I just said I was checking the town out. I am a bit low on sleep so it bothered me a bit more then it should have.

I don’t have an air conditioner in my room because we can’t get one to fit and well it’s summer and my room is hot.


“Do you have a fan that you can put in a window to blow the hot air out? This works best at night.”

I have a tower fan that I use, and I unplugged my water bed. We try to keep the house shut at night to avoid letting bugs in. The screens are torn right now and the house is old as dirt as it is. It was built in the 1800’s so any bugs that are kept out is a good thing.

“Tape thin fabric over the window, so they can’t get in.”

I might look into doing something, if anything I might steal another fan for a few nights until these storms pass and the humidity goes down. I just don’t want to do anything to the house without working with my dad, otherwise he will yell at me.

“Taping a thin fabric over your window, to replace the screen, is not an irreversible thing. I really don’t think it would upset him. It might even inspire him to use it to fix some of the other screens.”

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I decided to update my Patreon today. Trying to enhance the benefits in my tiers so people will sign up.


Sadly I’m use to being around toxic people. Being in retail and dealing with toxic customers, gave me the ability to just ignore ignorance. Maybe someone in general or trade chat can help or ask a guild mate that might know.

Basically they didn’t understand you were an Alchemist and not an engineer, lol.

Are there guards in Area 52 to ask where things are to pin point on your map?

No there are not. It isn’t classified as a capital city so the guards don’t point you around town.

Also my guild mate is my cousin and he learns from me lol. This is his first time in TBC so I am teaching him and he uses guides to figure things out.

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Also I find it odd that my gear will update but not my level.

The forums can be weird sometimes.

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played a lot of hearthstone yesterday and tonight. sorry for neglecting WoW all. Not that it really matters or anyone cares since I don’t play with anyone here. Anyway, have a good night and day and forever all!



Happy Mehday folks :slight_smile: