GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Sadly that will not get the job done for the task I speak of at hand. Pretty useful for your apartment though

A DK giving me shizz? This reminds me of when a Warlock says I’m a religious bigot. And I’m like bruh, you’re a warlock who summons demons to yourself. Why would you care about religion?

  • Heretic priest
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lol at that


it makes me want to play ff again lol

I played the 2nd one. I liked the soundtrack and art. Wasn’t anything to do after you beat the game though

Inuyasha fans, a new sequel tonight at 1am East coast. Can’t wait to see Sesshomaru’s kid’s, along other familiar characters kids.

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I didn’t know that was still a thing. Interesting, thanks

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Uh, sure. Have I seen you before? You look familiar…

It’s me, Elmer LOL

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Oh um, okay. Well, I can’t get on Battlenet until Tuesday so I’ll need to take note of that to add you, sorry

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No worries, man. I’m a patient Gnome! I appreciate it though!

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i could be wrong but dont think thats a Chrisp alt

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Oh LOL whoops. Well still, Chrisp, if you see this, can you please add me to Btag when you’re able?

“I think you are right. ChrisP doesn’t hang out in the LGBTQ+ threads.”


chrisp always signs off with chrisp too :smiley:


“Lewka seems like a good person, so I would say go ahead and add them, if they send an invite.”


Thanks I appreciate that. I don’t know who Chrisp is. But yes I go to the LGBTQ+ thread from time to time. I can add Elmer if he wants to add me, soon

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“Anytime. I have liked you from the beginning.”

“Elmer is really good people, you will enjoy his friendship.”


Thank you! That means a lot! hugs

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/hugs back

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