GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“We are NOT killing Elmer.”

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Well you did say that could work

“For random Alliance. NOT OUR FRIENDS!”

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But just think how adorable he would be as a Forsaken Gnome

(Lady Cyndi Lou just glares at you.)

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Wait bodies taste like Skittles? /puts down the bag of Skittles I bought for my parents.


“He is referring to Gnome bodies.”

Well I think its for the best that my parents don’t know that Skittles taste like gnome bodies. Otherwise my dad will never let me live it down and use the info to drive me crazy.


this was my old server

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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Huh? I’m still alive.

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Waves at everyone…


I do admit to one of my disapointments in SL was that they did not give forsaken a nelfy ear option.

I think I’d make a fine servant to the Dark Lady (I sure as heck ain’t all that loyal to Little Lion :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:)


also too good morning


And a good weekend to all.


pops out of his Deathgate

Ah-HAH! Another Evil Gnome! Let’s go punch the Jailor in his juicebox, make fun of his stuid transmog, AND TAKE OVER THE MAW SO WE CAN HOST SEXY AND TOTALLY EVIL DANCE PARTIES! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

runs back through his Deathgate to go mke fun of the Jailor and mock his stupid transmog till he cries like a baby

pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket

YAY! There you are!

climbs into Surfy’s lap still wearing his feetie jammies with two tasty :bear::sandwich: to share with his Nelfy, his favorite blankie, and happily watches silly otter videos

Hey scoot over. Tiny friend coming through.


Some say it was a warning Some say it was a sign I was standing right there When it came down from the sky. The way it spoke to us. You felt it from inside. Said it was up to us, up to us to decide “You’ve become a virus-Whos’s killing off its host-We been watching you with all of our eyes-And what you seem to value most-So much potential-Or so we used to say-Your greed, self-importance and your arrogance-You piss it all away-We heard a cry-We’ve come to intervene-You will change your ways and you will make amends-Or we will wipe this place clean”

  • Heretic Priest

hands you a swiffer mop

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