GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I know that feeling, the one time I tried to kill a tiny fish we had fished up I failed and had to pass it to my relatives. Only thing I can really kill is bugs…

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If the bug doesn’t seem to be a problem I leave it alone. If they do smash it or bug spray time.

Some countries see bugs as a delicacy.

You know what? A bug race would fun to have in wow to play as.

Yes! Playable bug race! Make it happen please!



I nearly failed high school biology because I refused to do any dissection. Fortunately, I aced the final and got a C- out of the whole thing.


Coming to hang out


No! You can keep them! They’re very tasty!

Also, almost five hours left and then it’s the weekend! Hooray!

Here’s a funny otter video to set you all on a happy weekend!

climbs into Surfy’s lap with two tasty :bear::sandwich: and his favorite blankie to watch more funny otter videos

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forsaken appreciation :thinking:

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Sure but we need to do two things so we can have the forsaken experience first.

and raise you from the dead. Then have a bone party.


Cyndilou can probably help me with that


pokes his head through his Deathgate and giggles evilly

I can’t wait till I get my totally evil fly mount!

evilly giggles again at ‘bone party’ before dashing evilly back through his Deathgate

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“I don’t raise them. I just help train them afterwards.”


Forsaken party ?

Does any one need to be pew pew’d :gun: so they can be risen ?


“Now, now. We only want those who have died already. No murdering Friends.”


Can I pew pew alliance ? Then have them raised as Forsaken

“Just no one in here. These are our Friends.”


But but I was thinking about getting us all tasty :bear: :sandwich:

Forsaken can be hunters and it is discriminatory that only tall people can be Forsaken . There should be some short people representation .

We need Elmer in the Horde.

“If you eat the body it can’t be raised.”


I didn’t say eat but then again I do hear they taste like Skittles , so it might be hard not to .

Ok how about if I pew pew from long range and some one that doesn’t find him tasty raises him ?

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devilish Chrisp idles and thinks a little… nightmarish thoughts…

hi all hope u try good deeds today and tomorrow and then someday get rewarded for it. i should really not say that until I do it myself though.

all i did today and in the past years recently is kill time and sin.


“That could work.”

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Hey maybe we could have DK Elmer raise Hunter Elmer