GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“When cooked right it is heavenly. But most people cook it too long. It has little to no fat, so it needs to be medium rare to be good.”

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If they sell it in the market I will be willing to try it.

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“Just seer it, and put it in a hot oven for about 5 to 10 minutes.”

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In truth, there is a Vanilla cooking recipe called Bear Burger. The best drop rate for the big bear meat are the bears just south of Andorhal.

But they aren’t the same.

shakes his head and looks a bit confused

Wait. What was I saying? Oh, I remember now! Happy Fursday, everyone! Here are some adorable otters to get us through the rest of the week!

climbs into Surfy’s lap to eat a tasty :bear::sandwich: with his favorite blankie


Is not a :bear::sandwich:, :bear::hamburger:'s are from actual :bear:'s. :bear::sandwich:'s are made of :bear:'s who can talk and claim there are not a :bear:.

Can you :bear: with me.

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Good Day Everyone!!! Have a great one!!!


Hey if any of you guys like old arena shooters (like old doom, wolfenstein, etc)

Check out Viscerafest

Its soundtrack is also slaps

Umm I think it’s time I gave back the bear sandwiches I swiped when I was very, very tiny. If anything I will say this. I was listening to the evil Alice.


I haven’t heard these songs in years.

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I loved the Ironic song because she uses the word incorrectly the entire time. How… ironic.

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I had some random person whisper me “I love you” last night on wow.

I didn’t know what to say, it was just weird.


I have no problem if a person does both (for food and trophy) but I am against for just trophy.

Oh and Bambi is delicious . Little on the gamey side but very lean .It is great for making chili with .


I so need to get back into playing my other game (Doom Eternal) .

I don’t mind people hunting but the only time I will hunt is in games.

I almost threw up in the class where we had to dissect a frog so I couldn’t go though with hunting irl animals. Unless someone else does the stuff after the shot, I would probably puke.

I get queasy at the sight of my own blood as it is.

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I am also starting to remember a pain of TBC. You never have Halaa when you need to turn in the powder for tokens.

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these eternal ones don’t seem to be very responsible. they are always like if we lose this artifact everything is doomed!!! 5 minutes later loses artifact and gets stabbed or imprisoned

leveled Brolphibalis 22 levels from 18 to 40 this night… was enjoyableish. Did that because I am a slacker no-good who will not accomplish anything on his mains or main or in endgame because I suck and have low self esteem and am depressed and blah blah shut up ChrisP

hi all
hope you’re all well

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legendary bow in 9.1 hum! yeah i’m suddenly liking sl again!


People can be creepy or just playing around and messing with people’s heads.

Read at your own risk if sensitive of the subject of hunting

I know the indians and pilgrims would use them for food and other things (cloths, tools, ect.) which is ok because in that era it was survival of the fittest and they did not have the conveniences we have today. I find it creepy a stuffed deers head staring at me in a restaurant.

If it meant surviving the wilderness than it’s not a choice but to kill for food, clothing and other things to survive.

I will probably die if I get lost in a 1,000 acre forest, I won’t have the guts to kill anything unless it’s trying to kill me. If I can find a river I can survive on fish.

I think I’ll end the subject here, I don’t want to attract unwanted spamming in the forums.

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