GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“We already have Coffee, Teas, and Juice, but straws don’t exist in WoW. As for Bear Sandwiches, we have bear meat, and bread, so I guess it would be easy.”


There should be bearwiches for all to share. :grinning:

Just don’t eat the undead bears.

:bear: :sandwich:

“I had a wicked thought. When we kill a Druid NPC, they could drop a special ‘Sweet Bear Meat’. That would make our Gnome Friend ecstatically happy.”
/evil laugh


Wait why shouldn’t I be waiting this Undead Bear? Is something bad going to happen?

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I like your method of madness. :grinning:

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“Plagued Bears are NEVER a good food option for the Living.”


But, but.


You can eat that bunny, he looks like he has alot of meat on him


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(Lady Cyndi Lou hands you one of her ‘Famous, Home Made, Dragon Baked, Fresh From The Oven, Plate-Sized, All Natural, Chocolate Cookies’.)

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Bunnies are not for eating, they are for hugging.

Thank you.


Well I need to get some work done. Have said “I am going to work after this last group thing.” And then the group thing takes an hour lol. Didn’t think Mana Tombs would be that long ugh.

Anyways will be around tomorrow or later tonight. Might have new gifs to show off as well.


I made a gif and I wanted to share it. That is all.


(Lady Cyndi Lou looks around, to see if anyone is still awake in here.)

i’m almost someone :slight_smile:



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so its gonna be nice to see the sl story continue its been way to long

“I am still unsure how I feel about the story. I am distracting myself with little stuff in game.”

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I had a classmate in high school, his family raised bunnies for dinner. :scream:

I would never eat a cute little bunny, even if I was starving. :rabbit2:

“You don’t know what you are missing. Cajun Rabbit Stew is DELICIOUS!!!”

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I would like to try deer sometime, I don’t mind people hunting as long as they do it for food and nothing else. I am 100% against hunting just for sport and against hunting to collect animals parts for trophies and material.

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