The equation looks like this:
[(chip)]/(squared)=VERY HAPPY GNOMEY TUMMY!
The equation looks like this:
[(chip)]/(squared)=VERY HAPPY GNOMEY TUMMY!
Onion Rings are theoretical tummy physics!
Bills can do that. I guess next time I am saying “I am sending you the bill” I shouldn’t send them part of a duck should I?
It wasn’t confusion over items on the bill amd individual charges. THAT, I get.
No, this was a lady who genuinely did not know that her bill provided both the due by date and the monthly owed amount.
lol I am just here to try and bring some humor to the situation. (Via my Alice alt(
I know but my face hurts to much from beating it with my palm, I can’t smile
(Lady Cyndi Lou hands you a twirly fidget toy, so you can relax.)
I would say something but everything I can think of would make me sound like the Joker from Batman.
I have been binge watching the Animated series last few weeks. Put on a smile means something else right now.
Oh lord, Mark Hamil is definitive but no one beats Jack Nicholsen in my book!
“I like Jared Leto’s Joker best, myself.”
I was rather non-plussed by his portrayal. If I had to do a list (I don’t so I will), it would be:
Yay I am finally going to get a ranged weapon upgrade. After a quest of course.
That would be Heath Ledger for your #3
Also I am lost at the actors names lol.
“I grew up on the ORIGINAL Dark Knight Comic Books. Jared Leto is the ONLY one to portray The Joker as I have always imagined him. No other has even come close.”
Outfront is going to have in person groups again sometime next month. They are the local community center for LGBT in my area and there is a group that I went to before covid to meet people that I am happy that will be coming back. Partly for support and partly just to meet people as I don’t get out much.
(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)
(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back out.)
awww no ceasar romero