No. I don’t know how I want to end things after the trial so I haven’t been working on that. I was working on a prequel epic fantasy novel world that also has size changing ideas centered around it.
After account wide achievements came out I never felt like my alts needed loremaster lol.
“The original Merlina saw the sights. Sorry but the rest of you are just too late.”
original Merlina says hello
There’s that troll area in Northrend (Zul’Drak I think) that I just found dull compared to the rest of the zones - Alterac Valley was just so much more fun, even in alliance blow outs.
Darkshore - after what they did to the zone in cataclysm, I tried it on one toon - got maybe 10 quests in and was so not happy with it I went pvp all the way there too
Now Draenor was when they were kind to rogues
We had that weekly pickpocketing quest that was just awesome
So I didnt mind clearing all the zones there in pve
Hello there
I like parts of the troll zone, the whole parts of dealing with trolls who tried to take power of their gods and the questline to kill the person who betrayed us in Grizzly Hills and the Northrend version of the Ring of Blood.
Other then that it is hard to find your way around and has a lot, a lot of find X time and kill X critter for low drop rate.
going to stop playing WoW until I can get a new mouse that doesn’t have a malfunctioning right mouse button. Too hard to play when I can’t turn half the time.
Dolphins seem to have a chronic need to show off. Case in point: one of the 4 Wild Captured Dolphins who played Flipper was devastated when forced to retire(as far as she knew since technically the owners were having her take a break until the next movie) and drowned herself!
A sad story to say the least… A Dolphin taken out of the Wild does not realize that there are breaks between Movies/TV Shows(unlike the Dolphins bred in captivity who would know due to their upbringing) and sadly interprets said breaks as forced retirement more often than not…
Without analysing it for yourself, i wouldn’t blame any parent actually taking an interest in what their children consume and what they would get out of it.
True. But I’m referring to the mostly 30-40+ crowd that does it. At some point, imo, people have to realize that their childhood wasn’t “ruined”, it’s that current young adult/children designed media isn’t designed for you, it’s for the kids.
Angry rant for no reason.
Those dang kids ruined (in text box voice) “put your complaint here” I am so torn up over it.
I am trying to think of what to call the sub race that is able to alter their size in the fantasy world I am working on. I want to have a subtle nod in the name that well they can change in size and wondering if the french word for rezize would be good. Redimensionner. Anything else I try and think up of is just to umm either direct or dosn’t do the job and give the subtle nod that I want
I wouldn’t neccesarily use it directly but maybe tweak the word a bit depending on the culture for your creations.
I will probably think about it some more. I just want something creative that still makes the people who read my stuff know that these people can do this and others in this world can use it to define them. I want to touch on many themes so I need this to be more then just a name. Sadly it needs to be able to be used in a bad way as well. There are some mean people in my fantasy worlds.
You could just call them French (sorry any French peeps, had to say it!)
I think I found something while looking for synonomyes for the word I had. I am going to go with size shifter. It is quick, snappy, easy to remember and flows off the tongue easy. And the bad guys can use it as a slur.
“You dirty Size Shifter.”
I just wanted something to call these people as they are naturally gifted with this ability but otherwise they look like the normal humans in the world I am creating.
I remember watching that and Shazam as a kid or