GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

what am i supposed to be doing right now?
i’m so unhappy.

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Dive into some pvp my friend

Or the Heros of the storm

Happiness can be blasting folks in pvp
(or in my case - getting picked on by grabby handed horde DK’s in pvp :rofl:)


mmmm vegan bear sandwich :smiley:


I think I’ve figured out what truly grinds my gears (and I say this as a child of the 80’s and 90’s who still considers themselves a Toys R Us Kid and as someone who forum RPs a child-like Gnome for pete’s sake!)

Grown adults arguing over freaking cartoons and analysing media meant for children. I know grown adults who will get into heated arguments over whether G1 Transformers or Armada was the better series. I also know adults who think modern day cartoons clearly directed towards children (think Steven Universe) are “relfections of their soul” or seriously ponder whether House Hufflepuff or Slytherin reflect their grown adult personalities.

I see videos of people picking apart epidsodes of things like Gumball and applying the standards of moral puritianism to them as “critique”.

Seriously, if this is what the current younger generations of adults are concerned about, I’m truly worried about the future of society as a whole.

And for God’s sake, if I see one more “news article” about some idiot Tik Tok “celebrity” make a video about how terrified a boarded up dumbwaiter portal makes them, I’m gonna go ballistic.


The questions I have are:

  1. What makes you happy
  2. And why aren’t you doing it?

Occam’s Razor, my friend. The simplest answer is always the correct answer even if it’s not immediately identifiable.

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This one might be easy.

I want to say Gary Chalk did the voice of Optimus prime here

So that automatically would put it as 2nd to G1 with Peter Cullen doing the voice :smiley:
(He just had the most perfect voice for optimus imo :slight_smile: )

bah, put down the tik tok

Join me in some campy fun - binging on ISIS right now :smiley:

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Just realized I may have dated myself

Here’s a link of which ISIS, basically someone from the DC Captain Marvel universe

Some good campy fun :slight_smile:

  1. nothing really except (expletive) which I can’t do more than once every so many days usually, although it used to be that things like living life and playing WoW and playing other games and even exercising and going to class and hanging out with friends made me “happy” but that went away in the end
  2. see above i guess it comes with being schizoaffective depressed pervert loser

mainly the problem with playing WoW right now is that my mouse is almost totally broken… need to buy a new one. the right mouse button doesn’t work 80% of the time

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You are! Maybe not to the level you want or used to but you can restart with one step at a time

I need to do a lot more of this. I reccommend (because of my knees) taking walks or even rising a stationary bike.

Again, something that doesn’t always seem readily achievable but I’m going to be signing of for skillshare to learn a variety of skills I need for my hobby. Perhaps that’s an option for you, as well.

You may be schizoaffective and there isn’t a lot to be done for that besides meds and therapy, but I would be dollars to donuts that re-learning an old skill or learning a new skill or even trying to, will help immensely with depression and the self-loathing. I know it did for me.

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And honestly, getting into mini painting really pulled me out of some seriously dark spaces. It’s also why I want to get back into it with a stronger focus on creativity; because this past year has been really dark for me, the exceptions being all of you Loungers, especially Surfy.

I NEED to create something that brings light into my life and all the better if I can share that whole journey with others and spread that light and joy?

Have you ever considered mini painting even if you don’t play the games?


i used to have a few battletech miniatures… i had some warhammer 40k miniatures too just the starter edition ones… never painted them really though lol except all black maybe

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I was a Space Wolves fan back in the day! Had a pretty sizable army, too.

This time around, I’m trying to start on a budget material wise (my set up is actually super expensive LOL).

But if you want some money saving tips and whatnot if you’re interested in restarting, I’d be more than happy to share with you.

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i don’t think i’ll be doing that but thanks
i live in a one room and it’s small and i don’t have any friends so it’d kind of suck

What word from 1934 did you write? LOL. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist. Was it part of your Alice series?


It’s all good. I’ve aslo focused heavily on minimizing space too. But if you change your mind, lemme know!

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Last night leveling my shaman on tbc-c

Guy attacks me, by mistake, so I immediately pvp’d back

I see the /sorry directed to me, as I get a storm strike double WF proc with everything critting

Just obliterated the guy as he apologized


i leveled this guy a single level, did 4 bgs, won 2 lost 2. sub rogue kinda hard


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Man, that’s the one thing besides healing I could not do: level through PVP.

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I like leveling in BGs. It’s always a challenge. I actually never play endgame PVP, only times I’ve tried were back in TBC a bit but didn’t get good enough gear to be great at it on my holy priest, and in Mists again didn’t get good gear at all so didn’t do well also because honestly I am not good at PVP I just kind of enjoy it, lol.

In random BGs I can sometimes do well and sometimes do a bit poorly but when I queued for arena the few times I did I usually got totally rolled so that’s how I know I’m bad at PVP all in all, lol.

It’s why some of my toons don’t have loremaster yet. I’d hit a boring zone and go get some pvp time

Oh those were good days :slight_smile: