GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Sadly, due to chip shortages and video cards in high demand for virtual currency farming (Bitcoin, etc.) things are going to be tight into 2022.

As a matter of curiosity who are you having do your build? I’ve built mine for decades but I’ve kind of had it as trying to match-up motherboards, CPUs, power supplies, RAM speeds and interleaves and lions and tigers oh my!

Good luck in your builders finally getting a hold of your video card in the near future.

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Hello. /sits down to fit inside the lounge. How is everyone this morning?


ya that is why getting a PS5 is still a nightmare.


I’ve never owned a console so did not know that. Owie.

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I was very, very lucky to get my PS5. I bought mine from one of retailers that is not checked as often but still they had one in stock when I checked and I had a heart attack the entire time we checked out.

Places like Amazon and Sony are sold out in minutes still.

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/peeks out of the rabbit hole

Oye - day 1 at my place. Inspiration to have some Kaldorei Dew after work :smiley:

Congrats gnomey :smiley:

We just call it day 1 :frowning: lol Hiya Chrisp

Happy Pride Month :rainbow: :rainbow:


Just made this special.


that works :smiley:

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happy BC day


lol I just logged onto my hunter and realized the portal doesn’t open for another six hours.

Was trying to figure out why everyone was standing there for a moment.


Murder hornets mount in 9.1, Alliance has :honeybee:'s so why not have murder hornets for Horde only?


No one, I’m going to buy it in a store. I’m not capable of building one or know anyone who can.


i relised today that the server my friend lured me to is a pvp!
i still remember how big that got in classic lol

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stops chewing distractedly on his tasty :bear::sandwich: and looks down between his feet in surprise

Oh! There you are! I hope your Murlocs are behaving!

climbs down to Surfy’s shoulder, gives her a big smooch on the cheek, and a super big Gnomey-Hug around her neck

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Well made the mistake of reading the newest “lgtbq+” troll thread


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I am starting to have some physical effects of my transition.


It’s a bad one - but we’re getting thru.

An alto voice on men of harlech just don’t work though :rofl: :rofl:

you do surprisingly well in some of those threads.

You ok Mer?

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Oh yes, it is more the stuff I wanted. I didn’t know how to say it. The Estrogen give’s me a more femianie body. I just didn’t to talk about it to much in detail as I don’t think I can even here.

It is just those changes take a few months to begin.


Cool, as long as you are well :smiley:

Back to our regularly scheduled insanity :smiley:


Of course.


This is a public forum, we can’t say who can or can’t type in a thread. I know mods will weed out the trolls, but General Discussion gets intense about political opinion this time of year.

I just don’t want to see you be attacked by people in game and be driven away from the game, because of bullies. It happened to our nightelf druid friend, it made me angry.

It would be much safer in discord.

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