GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I’ve just noticed this: Most Franchises have the Company with the most power in the equation be a lot too hands off!

Take Kingdom Hearts for example: They if they wanted to could force Nomura to write the story a certain way(such as forcing him to create Light Heartless) causing the story to properly grow.

Star Wars also suffered from Disney’s hands off approach… It allowed chaos to take root…

Executive Meddling is done for a reason!

I have my third Patron supporter. Cue a giant fancy bow.


Congrats! That’s truly awesome, Mer!


I didn’t make that many gif’s but I did pre make a lot. That was one of the few I did make and

I guess I can show the other.

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I didn’t realize it till a church project, there are actually phone apps “Kick the Can” and “Hide N Seek” that’s not quite how it’s supposed to be kids :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dang, y’all are tempting me to dust off my evil bunny

Congrats :slight_smile:


No don’t. You might summon the evil Alice again.


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket, draped in his favorite blankie, and a stern look on his face

And I’ll be waiting in Surfy’s pocket to give Evil Alice (and all the other bad guys) lots and lots and lots of hugs…WITH BULLETS AND KITTIES!!!


Carful. She use’s her Drink Me potions and Eat Me cookies for evil and has portals to boot.


Is she a death knight too?


Nah she is a mage. (I can’t get my death knight to show up on the forums Zenith)

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pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket with a confused look

How come her portals have boots? That’s pretty silly!

giggles, climbs into Surfy’s lap, and watches adorable otter videos while contentedly munching on a tasty :bear::sandwich:

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I don’t know. I didn’t ask her when she tried to trap me in my house without any Drink Me potions to shrink myself free.



chrisp exists with flies in his butt :frowning:

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your undead so that’s ok!


chrisp the real me, not zaxxon
i dont like the feeling i have right now it is quite unpleasant

Here have a cookie. Hope you feel better.


OOH!!! I’ve got it! Being a long time Space Wolf fan boy, I’m considering Long Fang Minis as the name for my channel.

Which is appropriate since Long Fangs are older Space Wolves and, well, I am pretty long in the tooth and fairly grey myself.


I was wondering what I wanted to do as my next short story and it hit me. Do a one off short story and and the same time do world building for the new world that the wonderful Cynndilou gave me the idea for.

I get to write a new story and no one will even know I am working on building a new world for them in the future.


I know the feeling . Little long in the tooth with a grey reversed mohawk .


It doesn’t help that despite the fact I’ve got three projects planned, I’m really finding the need to scratch the “painting craptons of grey” fairly badly lately.

But I need to get the first, well 3.5 projects done first. The Space Wolves can start as a side project down the road.

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