“3D Tabletop Storytime.”
not sure if youtube would like “mooks”
it will help to find a name which is representative of the content
I was going to suggest an assisted living place for the elderly.
But then I had flashes of Ben Stiller in “Happy Gilmore” and simultaneously laughed out loud and got worried for those poor old old folks.
True. But it also needs to “pop” too. That’s the trick. I’ll probably do something snooty like “Painted Stories”.
It had amazed me, honestly, that in the past year that I’ve been bingeing on mini painting and related videos, how many times the word “story” comes up but no one bothers with telling the story.
If I’m to be honest, there is not a mini wargamer who hasn’t put models on a tabletop and not made gun and laser noises. And if they say they haven’t they’re a bunch of liars!
Ohhhh, maybe “Tabletop Stories”. It’s less snooty, accurate to what my goals are, and fulfils the gist of the channel overall.
I think I am going to try and make some gif’s tonight. I had work pushed back so all I have to do is finish editing the stories I was supposed to edit and get out today (it is to late to upload them tonight so I can just edit them for tomorrow.) Then make some more fun gifs. In the mean time I need to rest my feet.
Been on them all day and it’s getting to me.
Take your shoes off, put on a fresh pair of comfy socks, and enjoy!
I am just glad I didn’t have to stand in my heels all day lol. I am not used to standing for hours and that would have killed me.
Got me the cool 100% mount now
I am prepared for BC
Congrats on the mount!
Nice. Undead have some of the best racial mounts.
Oh no, no, no, no. Someone tell him to go home and leave our citys alone.
I feel brave today. For the first time in over a year, I’m sitting outside a Barnes & Noble patiently (and, at the same time, excitedly) waiting for them to open so I can browse some books, maybe pick up some dice (mostly for display) and get a venti vanilla latte.
Just ten more minutes to go!
posted 44 minutes ago…
did you get your books dice and latte?
i contacted the agent today, and they emailed back, the property is still available but their email went to my junk mail and i didn’t see it until after business hours.
i will CALL in the morning.
it’s looking like our lockdown could get extended (huge shocker, i don’t think anyone actually believed it was going to be 7 days)
…but the longer i have to wait to view the property, the more anxious i’ll get that someone will beat me to it!!
…but my heart has already decided it’s “MY” house
it’ll be disappointing if i look at it and it’s just a case of the photos making it look much better than it really is… i know real estate photos have a magical way of doing that.
I did! I picked up “Saga of the Space Wolves”, an omnibus of my favorite WH40K faction, a novel about the Adeptas Soritas (space nuns with guns and a pechant for setting heretics and aliens on fire), two cubes of translucent multi-sided dice, a cube of almost aqua-jade six sided dice, and my delicious latte!
True. Google Earth can be a good way of getting an idea of what the property looks like but nothing beats seeing it in person. It’s how I feel about reading an actual book versus reading something on a digital platform.
There is just something about the cracking of a spine the first time you open a new book, the heft of it in your hand, the smell of ink and paper mingling together that is just incomparable to a tablet.
I’d also like to add that I truly hope and even pray that once the world returns to some semblance of normalcy, there’ll be a deeper appreciation for the je ne sais quoi intimacy that comes with brick and mortar stores that supersedes the total convienence and…what’s the word I’m looking for?..not inhumane…the lack of personability maybe? of online shopping.
Sure, online shopping is convienent and even easy, but at the end of the day, there is a certain quality that comes with waiting at the door of your favorite store for it to open and then that rush of endorphins when the doors finally open and you get to go inside.
Even the sometimes oppressive press of humanity in a crowded store is, to me, preferable to ordering online.
Remember when we were kids? Our parents would take us out during Christmas season to shop? The music, the smells, the sounds, the only brely edible food of a mall food court, and the pure joy of running to the toy section, grabbing a toy off the shelf, and showing it proudly to mom and dad, insisting that if Santa were to bring this for you, you’re life would be complete?
Now think of those kids sitting with mom and dad in front of a flickering computer screen scrolling past item after item until their child points at something with a barely interested, “yeah, I guess that looks neat.”
It’s simply not the same experience. Not even remotely close.