pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket
Did someone say tasty ?!?! HOORAY!
pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket
Did someone say tasty ?!?! HOORAY!
ducks back down into Surfy’s pocket, pops back out draped in his favorite blankie, and gun
gives all the bad guys lots and lots AND LOTS of hugs…WITH BULLETS AND KITTIES and makes ‘pew pew’ noises with his mouth
i wish you’d stop talking about at this hour.
now i need to go make one.
i suppose i’ve earned it, i did busy things!
i got all the mail items from azuremyst/bloodmyst, silverpine, ghostlands, horde side arathi… and i think a couple of other zones, but it’s late and brain stopped functioning.
i found a PERFECT little unit i want to buy… but we’re in lockdown, and i just know someone is going to snatch it up before i can get out and look at it
i shouldn’t have let myself fall in love with it from just looking at the pictures.
it has a huge walk-through robe, a dishwasher, a cripple bar in the shower, and it’s near the beach, and… it’s so perfect for me!
i’m going to be calling the agent first thing in the morning.
and now for that
and 's are good too.
i don’t eat avo or tomato! avo has a texture which i just can’t stand, and tomato… i don’t even know.
i’ve got an actual FEAR of tomato.
can’t be near it.
i had cheese and lettuce, with salt and freshly cracked black pepper.
and now i’m going to go brush my teeth, and the taste will be just a memory
Hello everyone. A clearly mad mage trapped me in my house last night and said she was going to do evil things here. I hope you are all alright.
A condo? Camper? Tent? Millionaire’s outhouse? LOL. Sorry, need a bit more context to follow your description and why you want it.
not sure what it would be in american terms
here, we call it a unit.
it’s a small self-contained single level home with little courtyard, 2 bedrooms, in a rural area.
my mums estate was settled recently, and i’ve been looking for my “forever home”.
mr.bully can’t really leave this area due to work and other reasons, and a standard house costs MUCH more than we can afford… most houses are $800,000+
…but i can afford this place, (plus it has a cafe and hair-dresser on-site!), and it’s a solid investment… all other investments are just awful right now.
it will only appreciate in price.
if i don’t buy something now, i won’t be able to afford to in a year or so.
it will be hard to live apart, but it’s about an hour drive, and he can come spend weekends at the beach (he won’t see it as “beach”, he’ll see it as “race-track”) and i can still come stay with him if i need city stuff.
…and there is room for a camper in the drive-way if i want an extra room
Phew today was a long day. Had to help get things ready for my parents. Going to have a Eat Me cooking and snuggle up in my favorite house.
Umm lok’ tar. I think that is all the orcish I know.
Zooty Zoot-zoot.
lol now I have a tom and jerry episode in my head of tom in a zoot suit.
Ohhh, is it one of those “Tiny Houses”? I love those! You may also want to check out barnpole houses (it’s my dream to have one of those!) on youtube.
Also, this is Elmer with a tasty
I * LOVE* that episode!
Is you is or is you ain’t my baby!
I had a fairly busy day too. Aside from our weekly pew pew session with Surfy, I put together 4 3×1 cube shelving units, 2 3×2 shelving units, and installed my camera arm by my table and organized some things.
Can’t wait to get everything all set up, do some wire mangement for the electronics, etc. I’m still debating on whether to just use my laptop or invest in a 2nd desktop (or have my kaput one fixed if possible).
Things are really coming together and I’m glad to have more dislay space for my legends scale Transformers collection as well as being able to spread out my Masterpiece scale collection a bit as well.
it’s classified as “retirement living”, so i guess it’s just an old persons abode.
i’d have to say goodbye to my teddy collection, and massively downsize my craft stuff (i can leave most of it here while i get settled, then figure out what can fit into the new place)
i don’t want to feel crowded by “stuff”… it’s a good chance to get rid of all the things i don’t use, boxes of glassware and kitchen stuff which hasn’t left the cabinets for 4 years etc.
right now, i’m trying to get myself motivated to clear out my wardrobe and donate a bunch of things i haven’t worn for years.
(plus i’d have to sell my Skyline)
that will be hard, but i never drive it, so it’s pointless to keep paying for registration on a car which never gets driven
What about getting a shed and converting it to a craft studio? That’s what your fellow Aussie Jazza did though he’s recently moved into a proper studio with offices and whatnot.
On a side note, I’m glad my work/hobby space is fairly cozy so as to minimize the getting up out of my chair for stuff-less wasted time and whatnot.
i really do have too much craft stuff.
i currently have 2 rooms, one room has 2 full size work benches, plus a massive trestle table.
this room has a scroll saw, airbrushes, dremel, ironing board, sewing machine
the other room is set up for clay, and has 2 desks, a credenza, 2 book shelves.
both rooms have an 8 cube Ikea storage unit.
both rooms have built in wardrobes full of craft junk
(and lots of it is LITERAL junk, egg cartons, packaging, plastic, stuff which was “saved” from the garbage to create stuff)
i could make a fantastic donation to a school or pre-school or learning center
On a side note, I’m also considering the name “Mooks and Minis” for my channel since my favorite literary genre is noir and the general idea is to create actual stories for my minis and conversions.
That or “Painted Words” or “Words in Paint”. Something like that, anywho.
Ohh! Or “Tabletop Storytime”!