Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

And Anduin with Wrathion / Baine


The chosen of Elune, not being one of elunes priests also undermines their lore.

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Keep telling yourself that.

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The priesthood knows Elune’s mind?

There’s a reason Manduin ain’t married yet, and his name is Wrathion.


(Commentary): I don’t know. We literally had Thrall and Aggra’s wedding in game, another wedding in the Twilight Highlands, a wedding as part of the tail-end of Drustvar and part of WQs, all of these being male/female pairings. There’s probably more I’m not thinking of. We had Tyrande and Malfurion’s wedding in a book, but that’s not really in game.


There are Zandalari who Worship Elune. She doesnt pick people according to thier sexe. Night Elf society after Azshara is driven by female leader. But before Azshara it is comepletly unknown. All we know is Troll are the ancestor of Night Elf. And Elune taught the dark Troll before they became actual Night Elf

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And have you ever considered why all the peons were napping and say, “zugzug!”?

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Stop spouting that troll propaganda. Elune created the Nightelves in her image, thats why we resemble her child, Cenarius.


Millhouse an Millificent Manastorm are a couple


So why don’t yall got 4 legs?

You,ll have to do your research more my dear then :kissing_heart:

Agreed. One of the things I always liked about night elves is that the whole racial concept empowered women; that’s diluted if suddenly the “first night warrior” was male. I also agree about lack of formal marriage.

In addition, introducing this male couple in a culture where males get traditionally feminine roles may actually reinforce negative stereotypes about such relationships.

Making them an all female couple would work, as would making them a male couple in a male dominant race with formal marriage, like almost any other race in the game.

(Commentary): True. The person I quoted specifically brought up marriage so I figured we were mostly talking about weddings between men/women, proving it. We can name tons of male/female couples really easily to be honest. Pick a lore character and then you can just bring up their parents. Moira married the Dark Iron Emperor, Genn and Mia, Varian and Tiffin, etc

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It’s a gift. Be happy we’re getting any representation at all.

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I don’t think 10,000 years of perfect matriarchy is a requirement for strong, independent female characters.

Of course strong independent characters that aren’t terribly written (of any gender) are rare as hen’s teeth in the WoW universe, so I’d look elsewhere.


Would’ve made more sense but this is Blizzard that we’re talking about.

With the writing I just assumed most of the characters were gay


Yeah but all we know about Night Elf culture is Post Azshara we know nothing before Pre-Azshara. Maybe they were both Druid. we know nothing yet about these 2 character except it was to save the Night Elf race as a whole that they became Night Warrior