Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

I always start by having hope lol.

It would make sense if you look at the evolution of the elves. They descend from Trolls, who are a male dominated society. It could have been that Pre Azshara times they started as Male lead due to that. Or as others said, he was just the one Elune picked out of desperation. Here’s hoping lol

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As a Nightelf player, I gave up on having hope with Blizzard’s ability to write anything involving the Nightelves.
They did kill our hope.


Funny how earlier it was datamined as a she now a he… Danuser and his writing team has to bring in the buzz/attention I guess to be more PC.

Personally I wouldnt mind if the backstory was he was just some country bumpkin who knew a danger was present and decided to do something about it. Religious stories do favor the underdogs a good chunk of the time/people who are not part of the clergy proper.

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Not really if you take the time to analyze people. We are a social animal. We define ourselves by the communities we are involved with. Sports fans/jocks, geeks/nerds, gamers etc. These are labels we use to define our association.

As supposedly intellectual and evolved beings we also possess the capacity to push beyond our primitive programming. Once again, that’s why we had commercials on the television channels back in the 90’s going on about why it was okay to be you and not someone else.

Everyone is going off about this while i’m mulling over the implications of the first night warrior being male.

Desperate times call for desperate measures is probably the implications of.

Sexual deviancy is the natural progression of untethered selfishness. That’s all.


Merriam Webster tell you that?


I mean quite possible cause Elune was a Deity during the Zandalari Empire. Only few of them still worship her and are considered Heretic. But They could of been from so long ago. Plus they say it was to save their peoples. What danger was it. Dont think it was agains the Legion yet seem to be before that

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That would make sense. But you can bet your soul that it would make the horde feel wronged.

They will want the races to be neutral in order to have access to these races as well, because it helped more.

I prefer it to be nobody’s, because dying and coming back to continue fighting for the same faction as when they were alive, when there are bigger goals than the horde versus alliance stinginess is very lame.

I was disappointed Turalyon wasn’t taken out after that. How can Alleria stand to be with him or respect him?

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Ah yes, nothing more selfish than uhh

checks notes

gay ghost husbands


Honestly I always thought night elf females (at least Darnassian ones) were gay. I mean think about it NE males were locked away in the emerald dream or imprisioned for centuries, in WC3 campaign you release them. So marriage between 2 isn’t a stretch at all.


The fabled Gaost Husbands?!

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I support it. A FtM transgender communist goblin trade prince who gives his people UBI.


Representation in media normalizes it which cut down on prejudice which cuts down on victims.


Exactly. Could have been Wild Gods gone Wild or something. Or More likely an early Troll vs Elf conflict etc.

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If there’s something gay

In the neighborhood

Who you gonna call?



I have died and gone to heaven.
This alone makes up for the last 24 hours.