Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Well the night warrior himself for sure is Night Elven / Kaldorei ish. But holy crap i hope his husband is like a former goblin or something just to see the poopshow section of the next T&E


I think it depends on the timeline.

If this guy was night warrior around third war or even after that, it becomes a pretty odd retcon. Pre sundering though i think it’s not a big deal as it could have been a really different society.

People shipped Thassarian and Koltira endlessly.


As a Nightelf main, I am sort of against, and for this.
Reprisentation is good, a relationship between 2 men is just something thats different and more interesting, I genuinly love the idea of two male night elf NPCs being in love.

Elune was suposed to favour women, untill recently there were no male priests.
Infact, before WoW shadowmeld was something only female nightelves could do as a gift from Elune.
Marrage is a human thing, again, back in WC3, Tyrande/Malfurion were life partners, but not ‘husband/wife’. It’s just wording really, but it does kind of dilute Nightelf culture.

Nightwarrior be a woman with a wife. OR, have two male Nightelves where were life partners as the right hand man of the Night warrior (who was a woman, one of them could be her brother)


I’m just skimming through these posts but this seems like the kind of thing that would be in a schematic and easily omitted in certain regions/countries. If names are generic enough an NPC swap-out (if applicable) would be easy.

Shipped, but that was entirely fanon, not canon alas.

Look like they gonna have to change it for Asia cause this campaign will be banned there otherwise

This conversation will go nowhere. I will assert there is, you will disagree. So let’s agree to disagree and leave it there.

Well that was never anything official.

We have night elf male priest now so elune’s power can be used by men.

Also, WoW has gone ever closer to a more “egalitarian world”. Having more significant male potentially night elf npc(that are not Stormrages!) seems like an awesome boon too.

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The first (and previous) Night Warrior was said to have been around the birth of the Night Elf Empire, before the Sundering.

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As i mentioned i think it depends on When specifically this guy was night warrior, and the details. Could have been a suuuuper long time before, or the Women in charge just said “hey let’s use this grunt cause he’s the biggest Elune stan”. Lacks the detail for me to be against the potential ret con

People are allowed to want representation in media just because. Your assertion that they want it there to have a corporation define them and validate their existence is bizzare.


the idea of them rewarding a male because he was the biggest feminist ally is so hilarious to me

Right so we don’t really know how long before the sundering the Night Elf empire was actually founded. It could have been like… a long time before and men could have been dominant (which would make sense as Trolls are more Male driven, and elves evolved from trolls). Stands to reason society started as a male driven empire, and evolved into more Civilized women lead empires.

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The way I’m reading the dialogue (not listening, tired and not really in the mood for aural things) it sounds like it was an invocation out of sheer desperation, and that in those moments, Elune did what she had to do to help save her people.

I’m probably missing a bunch of lore since I haven’t done the night warrior unlock to the end, so I’m concede in the likely event that I’m wrong.


Just why. U dont even know if they were priest or Not. It just say they were the first Night Warrior. The whole Night Elves society is about Elune being their Diety. Elune grant mercy and wish to those who offer sacrifice and alliegence

I don’t know if it’s a reward though. They wouldn’t have known what was going to happen. But if Elune suggested through Prayer that he should be chosen, knowing he would die, then it may have been followed.

Clearly the power is temporary and results in that person being a shell or dying. Not really a reward.

They got any blood elf female on blood elf female dialogue? :yum:

Not that I know of, I barely pay mind to belf lore and interactions.

Wouldn’t be surprised if a belf warlock decided to settle down with her succubus though. Something…weirdly wholesome in that.

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Yeah thats a fair point, and hopefully you’re right and we’ll get a solid backstory that fits in with the nightelf lore and makes it more rich. But, sadly, I highly doubt that. I don’t think they even thought it through that deeply.

We’ll see though!

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