Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Night elves have a strong tradition as a culturally female dominated race, especially early on. I don’t like Blizzard watering that down.


It was actually one of the first comments i saw on WoWhead about it. There’s also a NE main on this forum post who’s clearly mega against this lol

Maybe they need to stop defining themselves by the limitations others impose upon them.

Why give other people that power? You are who you choose to be. You don’t need anyone else to legitimize it. You don’t need to ask others for the permission to be you.

North Americans went through this conversation almost 30 years ago. Don’t give anyone especially a corporation the power to define if you are represented or not. Like seriously. Did anyone ever even believe there were no homosexuals on Azeroth? We shouldn’t have needed an “in-lore” example for people to be okay with being homosexual.

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Representation is cool. It’s nice to have some kind of diversity in the WoW universe (as far as this goes), for sure. I think this is an interesting choice of characters to do it with.

Unfortunately they’re just kinda stuck in SL though, so there’s not a lot of room for any of these characters to exist in the lore going forward if I’m not mistaken.

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Yeah that’s great, but the Night Warrior is simply an incarnation of Elune’s wrath. It’s not exclusive to priests. Just anybody who Elune wants to embody her.

Hey since Elune was the one granting the powers she was obviously cool with it. Kind of hard to argue with your own goddess.


I sort of mentioned earlier, but it’s been culturally female as long as WE can remember. Basically since Malfurion as he was the first druid. But before druids, where most males were druids, it could for sure have been a more male dominated society. If the First Night warrior was before the sundering, which seems likely, then it could have been more male dominated and then swapped after the start of druids etc.

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No, it was clearly female dominated under Azshara, too, before the sundering.


So, is it the fact that they are male characters that trigger you? Or did you have to grit your teeth and play your “horde” even after the lesbian goblins were frozen by Jaina while saving Baine?


The night warrior might actually pre-date Aszhara.


what if it’s just a spirit speaking thru a male night elf?

Too bad the story is cross faction and these NPCs aren’t Alliance.

Guess you’ll just have to quit WoW.


/coughs into his hand and shifts in his seat slightly


You are taking this way to seriously. Gay people just wanted a gay romance in the game and they got it, there is no deeper meaning to it.


The offended night elf tears are (and will be) glorious.

Can’t convince people against gay marriage or other such things there’s no deeper meaning.

They’re all radicalized into believing things like gay marriage are an attempt to undermine and destroy American society.


As another just mentioned, we don’t know the timeline of this particular night warrior.

Also there’s nothing specifically saying that the night warrior had to be anyone of significance. It could have been that he happened to be the most devoted, even though he was just a grunt in the army. Jarod Shadowsong wasn’t anyone of any particular merit but he was still instrumental in the sundering for example.

Are we sure they two are even elves? Speaks of saving their world, and plus I would imagine they are reincarnated as a ardenwald denizen as well?

Personally, my only objection would be with how it’s a man, and 'til around the end of the Third War, Elune’s power was channeled exclusively through women.
Unless those two nelf paladin ghosts from Legion are channeling Elune’s power, that is.

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You’re not one of those naughty orcs cutting tree’s down are you???