Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

braid hair and tell secrets. obviously.
plus, This is gana get me banned but asleep or awake wood still stands tall if you know what I mean.

I don’t care who gets married as long as I don’t have to go to the wedding. Looking at you, Thrall!

They aren’t from Azeroth. In the story they are from another planet. Apparently Elune is worshipped all over the cosmos.

I have survived every change, rebalance, expansion, lack of content, friends stop playing and nerf this game has done over the years. They push this stuff to much I am done. I do not want to be reminded of our broken world in a game that is meant for escape.

No I didnt. When I used “gay” in this context I am specifically talking about male/male parings as oppose to gay used in the context of general non-heterosexual context.

Then that just means you didnt bother reading most of the thread.

That is noted on my original post. When I initially posted this, we barely had a datamined voice file to go on.

We literally have torture, murder, riots(Varian’s was killed in a peasant riot), inssurection, sexism(Moira and her relation with her dad) and having LGBT+ is your “realism breaking point”? Ok good for you.

I can’t wait to join the Night Fae and pal around with my gay Night Warrior dads.

I’m pretty sure those two aren’t night elves exactly. They’re from another planet I thought

I don’t think they’re from Azeroth, or at least, that’s the impression I got when I played through the beta. I could be wrong.

I did. I think it’s beautiful.

you should clarify then feller.
gay covers both sides regardless of gender.
for example the head line isnt really accurate because gay night elf marriage was a thing in the game/lore

i do believe this is the first male gay couple though. atleast in the game.

  1. no it was never a thing. Gay marriage(of any race) was never part of any sort of lore, until BfA and even then said gay marriage was part of the new novel, Shadow Rising. 2. Context clues(namely the male voice files) should fill people on the fact I am talking about dudes. Gay can cover both sides, but it can also mean just male paring. Both are acceptable uses of the term.

wait i just linked you proof thats in the game right now. made in legion of a gay couple that was married.

idk about that one. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They were a gay couple. However in the entire questline there was never any mentioned they were marriage. That is a big difference.

—often used to refer to men only

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strange. always thought they were married. guess its just " lovers " which is a weird term.
about the definition tho that’s strange. idk I’ve just never been around that being a specific male thing. just always a blanket statement.
thnx for teaching me something new op.

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Legion just launch in August 2016, about a year or so since gay marriage was legalized. I assume Blizzard didnt want to rock the boat too much and kept the “lover” term for its vagueness(I guess you can assume they were marriage, but no one could be 100% sure and Blizzard wouldnt havd to explain it).

Sounds like their gay relationship is incidental and not the focus of the drama. Very classy, well done.

Maybe we’re pass making gay relationships a big deal. And it’s just a loving relationship between two persons.

 really? thats probably federal right? cause I know states had this as a hot button debate back in 2010. at least in cali i mean
2016 feels like 
 centuries ago but still thats pretty slow for a federal level.

June 26, 2015 was its legalization nationwide in the US.

Well yes and no. I mean I doubt it is the super big story when X character is reveal to be gay(see Tracer) but I think depending on who it is and even what type of relationship it is(straight or otherwise) some characters will naturally be the talk of the proverbial town if they end up paired with anyone(see Thalyssra/Lother’mar and Shaw/Mathias)

No wonder they’re going extinct lol.

I don’t want to hear that from a Blood Elf. Someone chucked an urn in your magical toilet and suddenly half the blood elves are drug addicts.

Plus it’s kind of a given that Night Elves would be raging homosexuals. I’m sorry, but the overwhelming majority of the men all took a collective 10,000 year nap so if you don’t think they were getting up to stuff in the Dream- if not other night elves, then, I don’t know, a Dryad? Have you seen one lately?- you’re naive.

Plus the other half of the population had 10,000 years in isolation, and most of the population would be women. Do the math.

Did I miss the memo? it’s necro day?