Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

did you really have to necro a 21 day old thread?

I have not logged on in 21 days, and my sub is running out.

or is it 27 days.

Erasure? No, I think it more an attempt to actually balance the scale. As for these other countries, could horrible people come into power? Of course, that is kinda why you always have to fight for a better world. What else can anyone ever do?

Not every single company pushes this though. Large companies like Chick-Fil-A (or however they spell it) are open about their support for “traditional values”. It’s also illegal to be gay in multiple countries, some including the death penalty, so “almost every government” feels a bit like it’s downplaying the issue. Depending on where you live, being out and gay can be a challenge too, even in “accepting” countries. Try talking to gay and trans people from the Bible belt and you’ll see that the experience is not universal across America.

I think if you spoke with more gay people you’d hear more stories from some of us about facing discrimination in the workplace. While many companies have public policies in support of LBGTQ+ people, the lived reality on the ground can be quite different.


Ignoring the random lesbian nelf couples in the game are we? There are homosexual and bisexual couples scattered about the wow universe. Its just not important to the main story.

Less checkboxes better we writing please.

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Followed with:

Oh, the hilarity.

Isn’t so easy, is it?

Naw I’m still laughing. People crying about wanting checkboxes just because. When its already there. They just didn’t notice.

And it being there doesn’t magically make the writing better or change the main story.

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Blizzard really digging for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, otherwise not really necessary to progress the game in anyway

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I would have bet money it’d be two blood elves.

I wouldn’t call that ignoring. More like unless you did enchanting during Legion you were not going to come across this information in game.

Here’s an article referencing that Lesbian couple.


As someone who would like more LGBTQ characters, that’s not really a concern for me. I find the smaller NPC interactions and zone specific quests more engaging than the main story, which I find a mess and not important. WoW is chock full of things it doesn’t need, but yet it’s all there and helps make WoW what it is. It allows a broad appeal.

I don’t personally care what the sexual preferences of the characters are. A well written character and story should have good enough writing for it not matter. For us to empathize with them for better reasons.

If the defining element of the character is their sexusl preference and they shove it in your face all the time thats really bad.

I find wows story works best when its everyonr united against some world ending super villain. Romance isn’t the ficus of the story line.

By all means if folks want to rp or blizz wants to write new characters in that happen to be gay/bi. You can just do it for good reasons and not an agenda.

I’m getting the vibe that you think that better writing and “checkboxes” are mutually exclusive. Why can’t we ask for both? Blizzard writers aren’t limited to one or the other.

No one here is asking for romance to be the focus of the story either. No one wants an expac where we fight homophobes in Rainbowia. We’re simply asking to be represented in some capacity, much like straight relationships get representation. I’ve been helping messy as all heck straight people in this game for the last 15 years. We’re asking for more than one or two crumbs.

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You are getting shaw and flynn and the gay nelf couple in ardenwield. As far as we know atm. Is that not enough? How many would be enough before it was just pandering because? And what cases that we do have can those characters stand on their own feat without having be that token couple?

If we reversed the situation and being straight was not common would folks be asking for representation for straight folks? Or would most people just ignore the romance and play the game?

Love whoever you want mate. I’m just tired of media constantly pushing a narative you know.

I’m incredibly glad that they are adding the romances they are adding, but this isn’t a matter of “welp, we put some gays in there. It’s done. It’s over. We won diversity.” I really hope that this continues onward into future expansion.

My question to you is: how much do you enjoy being pandered to? Because you absolutely are being pandered to by Blizzard. How often have you seen a male NPC go “My wife’s in danger! Please, help her!” and thought “Damn, was this romance really needed here? ugh, do these characters stand on their own feat [sic]?”

The question of “if the situation were reversed” is kind of pointless because yes, I absolutely think straight people would ask for representation. People like to see themselves in their media of choice. This isn’t just a gay phenomenon. It only looks like it because straight people get representation.

Think about your average action tv show. How often does a main character get an opposite sex love interest? Can’t people just watch the show for the action? Love is something that humanizes a character and makes them more relatable (whether that’s sexual, romantic, platonic, family, etc is another debate).


They couldn’t be Night elfs before because it’s stated they are Elune worshipers from another planet. I highly doubt they are space traveling night elves, that was my point, stags or any other wild form won’t change that.

This thread is full of people who are like:

“I can’t wait to see cishets meltdown over this!”

meanwhile precisely zero cishets even care about this.

inb4 you point at me; lgbt here - get your virtue points elsewhere.

you looked over the other gay relationship in the lore.
Theres a legion enchanting questline between two female highborn stuck in a limbo state only to be reunited by the Player Character
here’s a link to there questline.

I’ll never not find people being surprised or mad at gay Nelves funny.

All the dudes slept for a thousand years. What the hell did you think the women did to kill time?

Foul necromancer! Begone!