Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

I’ve already made peace with this hill being my grave. I’m contempt in forsaking support from madness and hypocrisy controlling those I supported. Otherwise I will be a slave to whatever it is controlling them.

Hate is not fear, hate is a reaction based on disliking or disapproving of a subject and wanting it to be destroyed. Usually out of some sense of superiority or intent on preserving the status quo.

Fear is a reaction based out of the feeling of helplessness and weakness. Typically from bad experiences or dark memories that haunt the one stricken by it. You want to get as far away from the offending cause. Not destroy it.

Phobia is an irrational fear. It’s fear that takes absolute control of someone and they go into flee or die mode with no sense of cognitive thought. In fact, it’s almost as if they’re being controlled by their fear and the real person isn’t even there.

I generally agree with your definitions but I also think that the emotions are much more intertwined then is implied. I think fear can lead to hate easily. People can also fear things for a variety of reasons, not just helplessness and weakness. People can be raised to be afraid of something without having first hand experience.

Insert Señor Ben Chang GIF here


I better wish they would add such option to players to marry for fun other chars just for fun sake :slight_smile:

They are stags from another planet, not Night elfs.

this thread aged like a fine wine
here’s to OP

I mean they are male eleves… they had one foot in the closet at all time. Not even that big of a deal you are making it. We know it happened and now you get. Whoops be doo. Lets hope its skippable or we are in for a snooze fest like Thralls wedding:

On another note, for another thread. This is why proudmoore unoffical designations no longer matter. You have quest line like this baked into the game itself.

This. There is not one couple in this game I’ve given two craps about, and that includes Malfurion and Tyrande, they feel like characters that are thrust into a relationship cause plot but I don’t really see what they see in each other honestly.

utter nonsense. no one’s job will be put in danger for this, standing opposed to it would actually be Brave though.

I suppose the problem here is people’s views being dictated by “whatever the tv tells me to think.” the wholesale denial of Natural Law since 1517 lead to an inevitable backslide which could only lead one place.

But you aren’t actually “turning” anything “against” them. you are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole to smugly make a point.

you cannot just sub out words for others because words have meanings.

A popular sport, no doubt, but a silly one.

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Er what?
Natural law? The hell you mean?

What’s with all the gay threads and bumps lately

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I’m not saying this gesture puts anyone’s job at risk but LGBTQ+ people do face discrimination and job loss due to our identities. Please clarify, standing opposed to what would be brave? China? The LGBTQ community?

They need the attention.

Hell yeah. We love to see it :slight_smile:

This makes me happy :blush:


  1. they are only stag because its Ardenweald and generally you end up looking like an animal. As for the another planet, I added that edit for a reason. This post was made long before we had plenty of context about said voice over.

My point was made(and I dont mind it being smug). And that point is people saying “women, gay, lgbt, minority” being “force” into video games are just people being bitter/annoyed that video games are now more diverse then ever and will probable keep becoming so. That the straight/male/white games are no longer the only game in the market and video games as a whole are better for it(that is not to say straight/male/white protagonist should disappear, just that now they are not the only options we end up having!)

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Aww, they’re soft

Considering what every single company pushes, and what almost every government pushes, you are in danger of nothing but your own egos.

  1. Because man is intelligent, man is moral and free (free actually means Responsible).
  2. Because man is intelligent, moral, and responsible, the world is intelligible to man.
  3. Because man is intelligent, moral, and responsible, and the world is intelligible, then man can see all is teleological (ordered to a purpose).

Welcome to reality, you will reject it.

There is no diversity, there is an erasure of the 99% to exalt the 1% that is currently “useful.” This has happened in russia and germany and france, et al. Once no longer useful, you won’t like the outcome.

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“Where are you, Tyrande?! I neeeeeeed you!”

I wanna see some hot steamy romance between a futa Draenei and a female Gnome.

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