Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

I don’t really see how this is an issue. The only time something like this is an issue for me is when they take a pre-existing character and alter them for political purposes. Since these are new characters they can write them however they want.

Wasn’t there a lesbian night elf couple too? What’s with Blizzard using Night Elves for all their “challenging” content.

Lesbians, Gays… Genocide…

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A couple words for the OP

Who cares?

Humans who are obviously supposed to mainly represent White nations having internment camps and slavery: Sweats nervously

From what I remember that wasn’t a confirmed thing, just the internet taking a bit of dialogue and running with it.

Kind of like how a lot of people shipped Tholo and Anren back in Cata, but there is no actual lore about them having a relationship.

People will ship pretty much any two characters that are the slightest bit friendly towards each other.

Bah, those filthy orcs had it coming.

gets 81 DMs

Oh, it’s 2020. I forgot. “Orcs” are now considered racist.

And I’ve just been cancelled.

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They aren’t.

Clearly alot considering how long this thread is.

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People would rambling bicker about booger size on these forums…so that’s not a high bar

So again, people do care. Clearly enough do to make this thread as long as most high elves threads.

I think they are tagged as night elves in thr game files, even though they are in animal form. Anyway we will probably to wait to read the complete quest text to be 100% sure one way or another.

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What does lore say about file names?

There’s been a lot of homophobia here in these forums from “western” people, so I kinda still think it’s brave of them to do it here. I know a lot of people are dismissing this gesture as pointless but look at this whole thread. People are riled up about it even in America. I mean, trying to foster more acceptance in America appears to be a hard thing to do judging from these forums.


Agreed. I’d love to grief that faction.

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Did Blizzard finally figure out that if they want to be taken seriously about LGBT representation, perhaps they should do it in a game with an actual in-game story and lore, where it takes actual effort from the narrative to do it? (aka anything but Overwatch.)

Nobody ever cared about LGBT characters in Overwatch. Nobody.

Feels like more of a Bloodelf thing, not night elf. I mean half of the Bloodelf players can identify with this character. Oh well…


You realize the west is literally the only place where they won’t get persecuted to absolute oblivion??

You also realize that not everything is from the big bad western boogeyman?

I’m about a day late but y’know I just
I don’t care

It’s as much a ‘political agenda’ as it is one to put straight folks in video games.


Oh I absolutely know and I’m immensely grateful to live in Canada. I don’t think the west is inherently bad at all and I never said I did. My bigger point was that people are making this gesture out to be hollow since it’ll be edited out for China and I was pointing out that people here still demonstrate homophobia so it’s not a hollow move.

I’m complimenting Blizzard for being brave enough to do it in spite of American backlash even if they aren’t going to try to challenge China over it. I can appreciate a small step forward.

Lol right. Hating something isn’t fear and as long as that ridiculous notion continues my support might not be around if the backlash gets out of control because of these labels.

There will always be disagreements, and it’s just giving them fuel if these made up labels get out of control, words are made up, but they all have one thing in common, consistency.

Ok, so what word would you recommend be used in it’s place? What you’e saying is that your support for the LGBTQ community might go based on a label. The hill you are choosing to die on is literally a label because you don’t think its accurate. The discrimination (is that word acceptable to you?) means nothing to you then?