Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

I definitely agree! It’s what really elevates WoW and my overall enjoyment of the game. Especially knowing there are various characters in game based on real people. It’s a shame there are those who can’t just be happy with something like this or simply leave it be. There are many who work on WoW and a good chance they would like to see representation of themselves in something they work hard on.

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as they should.

Wow has done a decent job of dodging the diversity hammer so far but i am losing hope for shadowlands.

So… are you saying that because it’s out of the ordinary there’s no possibility of any characters within World of Warcraft being gay? And if there are, the only possible reason for it’s inclusions is money?

Essentially you think it should never be represented ever? And you don’t see why this is harmful? It’s nice that we have new skin tones so that all players can feel represented when playing World of Warcraft, and having a gay character is a nice way of representing another minority in desperate need of representation.

This logic feels like a cheap way of keeping something you don’t want, out of the game. Why it should bother, or make anyone furious is a question for a more temperate mind than my own.


The whole political agenda of forcing LGBTQ into video games, just to appease certain groups is getting out of hand.


See how easily this argument can turned against you.

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Oh my phone changed my wording… not sure why it did that. I’ll change it back.

now can we have nisha and meerah as a couple please?

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I like to pander and manipulate for self gain as well. Blizzard just has a further reach than me.

Oh I see what you did there… nvm…

Let’s all keep an eye out for Blizzard removing this in other places like China’s WoW etc and make sure to call them out on it everywhere if they do.

Or maybe you should focus on criticizing your government(if your american) so that they actually push for more right(for everyone in China). Oh and maybe critize the peopl who seems bent on removing as many safeguards for lgbt+ in your country.

I’m not American and I’ll criticize China all I want shill.

Well good on you. Be a rabid dog if you want. Personally I jump glad Blizzard does what they can. No i am not stupid enough to ignore how our world works.

Yep and we should make sure to call out these companies trying to play all sides like Blizzard currently is doing with BLM support whole banning players who supported freedom during Hong Kong’s protests. They deserve to be called out and ridiculed.

i can’t really bring myself to care. this is blizzard just getting western brownie points. they will censor this in china and russia. you would think there would be more pushback about blizzard bending the knee to homophobia in those countries but here we are

Blitzchung hijack their platform and used it to deliver a message they did not approve of/wanted to be neutral to. Something their contract explicitly prohibits. No, you are not free to say anything you want, especially not when specific agreed not to.

Yes, companies are free to set their policies, no I dont expect them to support all the cause I do, but when they do so I am certainly glad they choose to do so and not be drag by a third party into a battle they are going to lose.

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so… literally gurren lagann (or atleast, as much of it as i watched before i stopped giving a crap).

Never really watch but litteraly any show i’d say. not just anime

They only reacted that way because they’re beholden to the Chinese government. That’s why even the interviewers were fired despite having done nothing wrong either. They 100% wouldn’t have reacted that way if someone spouted off BLM.