Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Did i not say that trash representation>>>>0 representation?

The fact that it triggers Gamers TM is just a major bonus, why?

Because you have to be rly insecure and a rly sad person if you get annoyed that a minority is included in the game while completely ignoring all the straight characters as normal and fine. These people shouldnt exist, but they do sadly and we need to deal with them.

Representation is good because when there was 0 representation homophobia was even more rampart than now, being quiet always leads the dominant culture to push minorities to the edge and pretend we dont exist which leads to discrimination.

There can be no “Just be quiet about it”.

So the more lgbt and minority characters we get the better, the racist homophobic gamers TM who cant handle it can quit, they have 0 value as people so nothing of value is lost.


Because it breeds resentment which helps no one. they wouldn’t just get over it if people are always attacking each other with it.

Thing is this should also be applied to when people hate it involving a “cis white male” or just “too many whites” in general. Why do they have to always have diversity but without whites or straights for it to be diverse? It happens frequently too. It’s all an issue tied together. I’ve seen that case where they sometimes applaud themselves for adding a white female lead, but then no white men and want to be praised for how diverse they are. Or something similar to that. If there is a white man, it’s just an old man who may be a jerk. Fun. Maybe make him an annoying character or boring. Maybe just die.

I think it could just be toned down because while representation is fine, a lot of it is ONLY done just to appease the people rather than giving them depth and that isn’t good writing and tacky. Not always. This situation is just a bit of additional flavor text but more often than not, they will add a character just for a minority/lgbt for nothing else but that representation and that’s poor use of a character. Actually make them interesting. I believe that’s the biggest reason people have with it. That’s why I don’t personally mind this representation with this character since they are more than just that and actually have meaning/relevance.

No one likes poorly written characters.

Point in case for a hot topic, Tlou2. Most people are generally fine with ellie and her sexuality. It’s not a huge issue for the game, just some felt like it was a plug that was needless however it became a moot point and were generally fine with it because she had such a developed character.

The biggest issue with it though is when people DEMAND for it to be a thing rather than them just wanting to do it because then it’s a mob mentality of “YOU DO THIS OR YOU ARE A TRASH PERSON” type thing, Which is essentially sort’ve emotional bullying and almost a form of manipulation, but gets results. It’s toxic behavior but hey, it “helps” in the long run, right?

The other option is to avoid putting any minority in game which will result to discrimination being prevalent because that is what happens when people pretend minorities dont exist, sociologically wise.

Negative peace is worthless to the people that get effed over by your fake civility and niceness

Because there was literally a meme how most games had a white male protagonist on their 30s/40s, because it is that common and played out.

Aside from that, nobody is saying that white males shouldnt exist, everything should exist, the difference is that when non whites non males are included we get a huge group of butthurt gamers TM crying.

Toned down? Because we have so much representation? Literally the topic of this thread is people crying cuz some ultra old elves happened to be gay, that’s it, it isnt even amajor character.

We are nowhere near enough representation, this is a worthless scrap of trash representation AND EVEN THAT TRIGGERS THE GAMERS TM like neckbearding who got banned from an MtG store for being a bigot.

Funny how nobody says that for all those irrelevant minor characters with no deep character that happen to be str8,

That is why we are saying this is the definition of hypocricy, people are totally fine if some minor badly written character happens to have a girlfriend or has a wife, but the moment they are gay, omg gamers TM gonna get triggered.

Pretending it is about lore or bad writing is a clear excuse to anyone who has a brain.

How many devs have been “forced” to add LGBT couples in game? You do realize blizzard employees are mostly from california which is a pretty progressive state so the employees themselves would find it cool to add some LGBT couples.

You when what is actually FORCED? the fact that there could be more LGBT representation or even core story with Wrathion and Anduin but has been stopped because the guys on top would not allow things like that to go through

While you pretend some mass of people are calling people trash for not adding gay characters in game there’s a very real group of people on top of companies that outright ban major characters from being gay because it will affect their profit from china or russia.

That is a real example of censorship.


And it was cringy as heck, too. I mute the dialog whenever I take a new character through that quest chain.

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However, they create new tropes when they craft it the way they do, some are just memeing about the black male/white female trope since it’s done a lot and black women have been kinda ignored. Also, if they want to show representation, they could also do white men with asian women which is a large portion of people as well. A lot of the diversity hasn’t been hispanic or asian too, often were pushed aside. They’ve only recently started adding bits here and there.

It’s over all worse when the people act like a “Us vs Them” and both are present with malice. There’s been an issue with it in America for a long time, hasn’t helped. Not sure how fueling it can help and how it’s worthless or with some “results”.

It is common and played out not sure why they do it tbh. however, I see a lot just tired when too many whites are in stuff as if movies/writers/etc can’t just do stuff the way they want to without being harassed or seemed as insensitive. Like LOTR and even recently, Harry potter.

There was even a new game that had tribal people with dreads and a blow dart and some were getting bothered by it and saying it made blacks look bad. The studio felt pressured to remove the dreads, change the masks, give them a different weapon, and change their skin tone to avoid backlash. people claiming “I was hyped but not anymore.” to have them feel pressured that they’d lose sales. That’s often a thing like a scare tactic companies are afraid of. They even said they didn’t realize how sensitive it was and are going to change it in the game.

Also why we often don’t get many Black antagonists unless there’s a black lead. It’s pretty rare now. Often they try to make them look “Grey” but not too bad or redeemable.

Reminds me of when games like zelda and others have some eccentric people that are gay or possibly gay and dislike the negative representation.

never said force, said demand. That they create outrage until it’s done. Pressured by scare tactics and negativity while trying to save face. Because they will devalue them and smear them. Same with like when companies aren’t supporting BLM, they are getting some flack, like steam and others and then angry at how much they donate and how small it may be.

So, with Tracer They add a bit in the comic. same with solider 76. Where it’s a half attempt just to make people feel a bit better.

china, russia, and ME are entirely separate things from the US and can’t really be comparable considering we can’t actually do anything about them and they will do their own thing for their own citizens. There’s many other issues those countries do that are much more of a threat to many more people.

They just want anduin to be a bit more in tune with their emotion and not just a big ball of rage and void of most emotions with very little compassion or care. He was written like this purely to show straight men can have emotions and be sensitive too.

I believe that’s also a valid thing for representation since there was a thing about men talking about their emotions and having theirs overlooked and looked down upon for being sensitive.

Oh please, you will probably forget to mute it everytime because I doubt you mute when Malfurion/Xavius went “Tyrande my luv”.

Oh please, you would never care if a straight character was just added who’s only trait was they were straight.


Thing is, the shoe isn’t on that foot. People aren’t yelling for it to happen or deem it insensitive when it’s not. Demanding for those characters or praising when they see it. While putting it on a pedastal for attention, praise, and a category on platforms. It’s already been “normalized” since forever, besides that we often have to hide sexual interest in things to keep it PG and censor a lot like japanese games.

however, you are right, because it’s just there. Always has been.

netflix is a different
 bag. For example, they will keep them on just because they have that trait. A show called voltron on netflix, they were supposed to kill off their “gay man” shiro in the second season, but he was pretty much granted immunity because of his trait. That’s how I mean by it’s poor use of a character. They add them then make them immune to most stuff, as well as some even unable to have a failing relationship, or at least exceedingly rare.

so while true, it’s not trying to normalize it as much. More often than not, straight characters have falling apart relationships , single 80% of the time, or something of that trait. It’s rare to see a failing lgbt relationship when they want to show it off. Will be nice once they know how to write and let characters go and treat them like all the other ones rather than trying to make them special.

Not saying it shouldn’t just be normalized eventually and feel organic that they don’t even need to address it, it just happens. That would be the time it feels good to me personally. Maybe I just put too much faith and hope on good story telling and characters lol and since it’s taken center stage with it always being a hot button for people to add and given tons attention, hopeful for praise and recognition, it’s easier to recognize it’s flaws.

not saying this games case with that NPC is a reflection of that, this is simply a nod, just saying in general.

Anduin was suppose to be kill off as well im Mists. He turned out to be popular/interesting enough the devs didnt do so.

Also dont blatantly lie. No one knew he was gay until Season 4, hell, most people thought he was just space uncle shiro without any connotation he was gay(admittedly some people shipped him with Keith). He didnt get immunity to dying because he was gay, he got immunity because he was someone fans actually liked!

It is rare because gay relations are rare. But to say we dont have them is incorrect well! Off the top of my head we have 13 reasons why and Elite with gay characters who’s relationship fell apart/some gay dude didnt actually get a happily every after.

Oh and dont pretend straight characters in media dont seem to beat the average and most straight character the creators ship do end up together.


I don’t really know anything about the anduin situation so I personally don’t have an opinion.

Read up on it. They have said they wanted to but they cut it out due to time restrictions. We didn’t know, sure, but they did. They didn’t write it in until season 4. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t intended and not eventually done. it was talked about at a San Diego comic-con

I personally never really considered them to be that rare at least in media as a whole in % of representation of actual people who are gay too. Also never said they aren’t, just said its rare while some are immune to it.

Again the reason why I state it as such is because it’s put on such a focus for these writers and shows for such a thing. While it does happen with straight ones,it’s not as common in comparison to its sample size with how frequent it is. I often haven’t seen a good stable relationship with a straight couple in a show for awhile tbh. Maybe it’s just what I’m watching.Also just a lot of broken families and people floating from date to date with no stability. I’m not saying they don’t exist though just at a lower %.

I guess this part depends on the type of media and what it focuses? Like if it’s a romance targeted at romance (I personally know nothing on this) or if it’s just a show with people and some romance. A lot I’ve seen has them single by the end and took the dating as a learning experience. I don’t really have an opinion on the more romance focused ones. A lot of the straight characters often stay single though but there’s so many that it may just not be as noticeable due to it being the “norm” seen a few with the love interest killed off or moving on and not seeing them, etc.


In this fantasy universe I can shoot fireballs from my hands while submerged underwater.

I can also be a boy and kiss a boy and it’s not a big deal to anyone.


They may have wanted to make Shiro gay since Season 2, but they NEVER told anyone about said plan until after season 4. The first time there was ever any mention of Shiro being gay was at comiccon after in an attempt to promote season 5.

For years any lgbt+ characters were never part of any media. Even as a % of character lgbt+ are exceedingly rare. Hell, count how many named npc we have or even NPC that had straight relations and compare them to gay one in this game. It is your preception they outnumber/ seem dispreportionate because of your own biases.

The same could easily be said of gay characters. More drama focused ones have a higher tendency of having messed up relations, one more focused on romance have a tendency of ending up together.


Marriage is, and always has been, a contract established create kinship and facilitate the transfer of property.

Marriage is not now, nor has it ever been, a contract established for the birthing and raising of children.

Having children is a not now, nor has it ever been, a prerequisite for marriage.


A species can only propagate via heterosexual relationships.

With the NE nos decimated by the Horde, maybe gay marriage is not the ideal way to replenish the numbers !!

They apparently never told anyone since they wanted it written in. I believe they wanted it shown or talked about in season 1 showing him off while he was still on earth with him, but killed him off at the end of season 2. However yeah it wasn’t added until later and then went a whole promotion about it for praise and inclusiveness. Then rip Keith and princess.

I agree, in games, entirely different matter with a large difference. Mostly due to other countries. In TV shows and American focused media, that’s different. I mostly meant media as a whole. When it comes to games, they want their games to sell world wide so often shy away from nearly any and all relationships entirely.

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They only need a midget to carry flowers 
oh wait we have gnomes

Pretty sure my wife is Undead 
theres no coitius with her anymore


Not sure its how it happen. Probably more Illiadan and Tyrande were childhood best friends while Illidan was the shy little brother with a crush on the girl Malfurion was the Hot older brother in the Eyes of Tyrande.

Just because it’s a gay relationship doesn’t make it anymore special than any other kind of relationship.

It’s a relationship, okay, big whoop. At least the story was nice.


Look at the number of angry Americans here in this thread. This isn’t exactly easy here in the US. Yeah it’s worse for sure in China but I think this move is still a bit gutsy for them here.