Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

The gay understander has logged on guys, you cant be gay without his approval xD


you literally tried to use a video game character to prove you’re gay, no self respecting gay man would ever do that. we don’t even care to prove it, it’s not some badge of approval you have to earn from others so either your a child who has yet to learn that or a troll. and i’ve seen your other posts so i’m going with the latter.

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I already thought all elves were gay.

I wish. Too many straight elves IMO.


If that’s the case, then all gnomes need to be punted.

Hey guys, the gay understand also know everything about gay men xD

You rly have no idea about gay people xD

Is there anything more sad or hilarious when a str8 person tries to tell others everything about gay or trans people while having 0 idea about either


hey remember when you just spammed forums with pro-AH change threads to try to trigger people and got called out for it by an MVP, yeah…night kid. speaking of which if you keep spamming this thread too they’ll probably undo this too like they did AH change so if you really like the representation you better head to bed.

This must be where the gays go when they need to make themselves feel better.

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Collecting the tears of Gamers TM who get mad and make rageposts about how everything is ruined because a minority is included in the game is also very tasty and refreshing.


Yeah keep insulting and attacking the same group who has been crushing people in U.S. elections without needing to fight back.

They’ll crush them again this year and it may be the unfortunate straw that will shatter this barrier of tolerance.

Truth hurts for some people I guess, if they cant handle it and want to believe in their own delusional world they are free to do so, but more and more are gonna ditch them, abandon them and burn bridge the moment they hear they hold certain beliefs or vote for such figures.

US elections are a joke anyway lol, senile orange moron vs senile white moron, that is why protests are only gonna get worse and the world is only gonna get worse, because the system refuses to change.

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You know what? I’d rather not get in trouble with wrong think here.

Troll someone else who’s fool enough to be lured into that trap.

Certain groups will always perceive any amount of representation as pandering. It’s an easy way to discredit the value of representation of a group you don’t like.

I mean, the dialogue is pretty natural and minimalist. It’s hardly screaming about their martial status.

Kadarin : Please forgive my husband, Thiernax became the night Warrior to save our world, but he paid a dear price in the end.


I think he was trying to point out how many times do you hear anyone mention thier wives/ husbands which is like never and what if said group sees it as pandering to them?

Not like there was a pretty popular questline talking about manrik’s WIFE in the barrens : )

Or I am sure more similar examples if people actually read quest text.

Nobody ever makes a fuss when some character mentions their wife, like Tyralion for example, but the moment a man mention’s his husband Gamers TM cant stop but go full homophobe and trying to pretend it is pandering.


Won’t matter anyways. It will be something easy to edit and easily missed since we gotta censor it for china. representation seems too important to some people sometimes.

the meme quest and the cringey mal/tyrande are only real examples unless you count the horribly paired thrall and agra that have the chemistry of bleach and ammonia

You mean only real examples you ever noticed.

Like i said gamers TM get triggered the moment anykind of minority appears in the game but dont notice anything when its str8 which says a lot about said people ;^)

It is pretty trash representation but trash representation will always beat 0 representation.

Plus the amount of triggered gamers TM who come and cry about how the game is ruined cuz a minority is in it is pretty hilarious and absolutely makes the trash representation worthwhile.


some places like Taiwan its real fresh.

Like the squid was in the tank minutes ago. Chop chop chop and on your table. It takes a while for those pieces to work out final movement impulses so yeah…they are moving.

Even my wife didn’t dig that too much. And she is Japanese. Has traveled a bit as well. And this had her go wth is up with that.

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sorta weird when people only want representation just to anger others. Kinda seems pointless to do it then.

I find it sort’ve funny when people insult others when they do get what they want to extent but are just as hypocritical. I mean that as there’s people saying "why do they always pander towards LGBT? These characters and relationships are meaningless. " “straight people always hate representation? LOL deal with it! Too much of it!” Meanwhile others being all “THERES NOT ENOUGH REPRESENTATION HOW DARE YOU! I bet you guys are homophobic and transphobic and racist for not doing enough diversity! If you don’t like it, you are just a bigot!” So many double standards.

I don’t really care one way or the other who’s added or what for, I just dislike double standards and people acting as if they are on some kind’ve moral high ground and try to de-platform others to turn it into a win.

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