Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

that sounds delicious imo. mmmm… calimari- wait, that’s squid… non-fried takoyaki, mmm…

I did actually go back through and listen to the clip.

So the implication is that he tried to save the man he loved because they had a romantic bond.

Okay. Fine. But wait. Others joined in. So apparently a romantic bond isn’t required? Nor marriage? Anyone can try to save anyone’s life at the cost of their own? I’m kind of curious how this ‘Care Bear Stare’ is supposed to work. Can it be a matter of principle rather than a matter of emotion? Because if so, as the clip itself suggests, then the romantic bond becomes totally irrelevant except to provide a little situational context.

To me it just seems like hijacking a perfectly valid honorable death story arc to shoehorn in some liberal progressive politics to effect some sort of half-assed ‘redemption’.

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ding ding ding we have a winner. it’s shoe horned in 100% this story could exist with out a romantic element which is why it literally baffles me why people think this is something great, it’s designed and written in a way to make sure non-straight people can still be hidden in counties where it’s not okay. make a faction leader gay or something then i’ll say GG blizz until then don’t pander to us, no one cares or thinks this is a good thing besides those we think any representation is good.

man, they should just let malfurion be dead. he’s been nothing but a crazy old birdman who’s been nothing but a jerk to his brother.

illidan: hey malfurion, there’s this girl i like, would you be willing to give her this love letter for me?

malfurion: sure thing my brother.

<malfurion takes the letter, scratches out from illidan and writes in his own name>


isn’t that the first sidequest in skyrim that gets you that elf companion?

Yeah. I had to go back and re-listen to the clip. It kept shutting itself off. Apparently I missed more than a little of the playback.

The point remains: What difference does it make if they’re married or not?

They could be long time friends, or comrades in arms, or complete strangers for that matter and the story would still work. So why is that particular bit of information significant? And if it isn’t, then why is it included?


So what? Why do people act as if this is going to solve all the worlds problems? There are any number of causes out there to promote for whatever reasons but in the end of the day I log in to play a game.

Marriage for everyone is something rly basic and understandable, only bigoted humans can make this a big deal lmao


If only anyone these days really cared about being called something that has been done to death like the word bigot.

Then they should stop acting like that word : )


yay more pointless pandering. Remember that faceless corporations really care about you and they change things like this because they care.

Remember to like their new profile pic on twitter!! they care so much!!!

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Why do gamers TM care so much about unethical practices in video games when it involves LGBT and minorities being included but totally dont bat an eye when someone points out that removing content from the game like brutosaur, mage towers, challenge modes is just another unethical way to get people playing or they get punished for taking breaks.

Oh its a rhetorical question btw ;^)


I know you’re a pretty famous troll around these parts but I’ll bite. I feel like they’re not being bigoted. calling out pandering when you see it isn’t bigoted. it would be bigoted if the story called for a gay couple and it was necessary for the story and those people still hated it. It’s not wrong to say something as arbitrary as this and tacking on a gay element isn’t’ anything other than pandering to gays/bis. how many times do you hear random quest npcs scream out their married to opposite sex? not very, sexuality in wow if often very hidden with the last one being in Cata with thrall. recently reappearing with lor’themar. it’s really never at the forefront of characters. so when it randomly shows up as a gay relationship it seems pandering, especially in an easily editable aspect.


Anybody siding with the big bad orange man has been dealing with that insult for six years.

It means nothing

Ah yes, that is what we call it now, any lgbt or minority existing is “PaNdErInG”, like when Manrik’s had a wife ingame, that was such a terrible str8 pandering xD

Let me quote taliesin

“I’m all for LGBTQ representation in games as long it’s inclusion meets these very stringent criteria that I dont apply to heter o representation in games”


I’m going to guess you’re not gay or bi or really anything that engages with the same sex, i’m going to assume you think will and grace was great representation for the gay community. and dear god you quote taliesin? isn’t that the guy who cried about a streamer for not controlling his fans and acting like a baby banning everyone who disagreed with him in the process that’s your moral pillar? maybe you’re not a troll, maybe you just make terrible terrible life choices.

Well they deserve to, maybe if everyone keeps calling you a bigot, maybe they have a point and reason they keep doing that.

But hey, if your feelings are hurt better ignore everyone and live in your own reality where words are meaningless cuz that means all these people who keep calling you a terrible human being are wrong xD

Have you seen what i wear?

Sorry but unless you start whining about every single str8 relationship being shallow and generic in game I have a hard time taking your comments on characters being gay as pandering : )

But you wont, because you have 2 standards, str8 is ok, gay is bad.


I wonder if blizzards virtue signal will make it into the Chinese version of the game. Would be really interesting to see, but if it’s like anything else like this it will probably be removed for them.

They have no real morals they just want your money and things like this prove it. Watch it not even make it into the Chinese version. They don’t really care about gay people at all.

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you’re using your character as “proof” you’re gay…okay troll move along

Does this mean that we’ll get to have gay nelf weddings too? Because I NEED TIME TO PLAN! :partying_face: