Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

As usual the usual suspects crying about the fact that some minor character of old happens to be LGBT while they never cry when any minor character HAPPENS to be straight.

Like Tali said ““I’m all for LGBTQ representation in games as long it’s inclusion meets these very stringent criteria that I dont apply to heter o representation in games””


If you really think that what’s coming at you is “attack-dog” then I really think it’s you who is so terribly triggered.

Logic only wins when it isn’t so badly employed, by the way. Most of your points were pretty bunk too since you’re trying to lean on biology and yet some biologists even speculate that homosexuality would be a desirable trait from an evolutionary perspective because it adds people to care for the group as a whole.


Just chiming in to say this is really cool and I look forward to seeing it in game. It will certainly do a lot of people good.


NO ONE CARES WHO SOMEONE IS INTO this is a fantacy universe where anything and everything happens .

Yes gotta appease that vocal minority of people who care about this sort of thing.

you appease the vocal minority and give them an inch they demand a mile. this applies for everything

i was gonna come in-here, and ask if it matters that they’re married, but… now that i think about it, i don’t know if it does or does’nt.

eitherway, good on blizz for having inclusiveness-stuff, more power to’em.

don’t hate, appreciate. :+1:


If you actually listen to the dialogue you’d learn that his husband took some of the Night Warrior’s power/burden from the main wielder in an attempt to save him, and more joined in to try to help. It was an attempt at True Love trying to save the day, and implies that maybe it was simply “not enough” people sacrificed themselves to save the Night Warrior.

Which means Tyrande may be forced to “use” the already dead Night Elf souls currently stuck in the Maw to save herself, and possibly Malfurion too.

why dont we just add all 1000 genders now why dont we…

Pretty sure they are married because they have romatic feelings for each other :man_shrugging:

I assume you believe the same thing about straight marriages without children?

…They’re dead. I’m pretty sure that hampers someones ability to adopt children on Azeroth.


Again, why do I care?

I actually do believe the same thing when it comes to straight marriages without children. That being said, these are not the norm. A quick google search will tell you these represent only 9% of marriages. The remaining 91% involve children.

Give it 15 minutes, the kids will respawn. If not, they can try the orphanage in Boralus.

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duh, because that’d cost too much money to add models for them. 5 seconds to mention that a pair of elf-dudes are married isn’t that big of a deal.

Eh, two individuals who trust one and another; taking their relationship. Since I am Void Elf cougar who’s robbing both the cradle and the grave, this seems quite normal to me.

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I’ll clap once the dialog and models go unchanged in china. it’s easy to get pats on the back and brownie points to pandering to a US audience, lets see if they can put their money where their “values” are.

hmm… maybe it’ll be like sailormoon was in the US back in the day. they’ll just be ‘’‘cousins’’’ or ‘’‘really good friends’’’ over there. who knows.

I mean, you obviously do care about the topic, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to claim that NPC’s married purely for attention, despite the fact that nothing in-universe indicates that same-sex marriages would be anymore attention worthy, or stigmatised than a straight marriage.

I’m not sure you understand. The NPC’s who are married are the dead ones. They’re in the Shadowlands.


nah they’re going to change model and just change he to she in dialog 100% that’s not even a question, which is why it’s baffling to me people think blizzard is taking some sort of stance on the issue by saying gays are cool in a culture that already accepts them, like I said if they spread this message to whole world I’ll clap, otherwise get out of here with your pandering.

your telling me blizzard will re-record dialog just to make money in china? (wait, what am i saying? they just won’t record the male-dialog over there)

i mean, that makes sense, but blizzard did’nt update blood-elves on the main game till WAY into WoD (or was it legion? it’s been a while…).

your probably right though.


wait till they find out about the polyamorous bisexual paradise that is silvermoon.

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I’d eat a live octopus if this went unaltered to china, it’s not even a possibility it’s a fact.

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