Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

I’m not really a fan of this. In an effort to find some middle ground could the phrase be changed to “partner”?

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So this is interesting because the voice lines do not imply that they’re from Azeroth, which would mean there’s a good chance that they’re not even Night Elves. Here are the lines I’m referring to:

Kadarin : Please forgive my husband, Thiernax became the night Warrior to save our world, but he paid a dear price in the end.
Kadarin : Thiernax knew the risks, but we had no choice.
Kadarin : He invoked the dark power of Elune and together, we repelled the Invaders.
Kadarin : Though we had saved our world, the power of the night Warrior began to destroy him.

Note how he doesn’t say “We thought we had saved Azeroth.” or really anything that would identify the world they came from. He just says “Our world” which implies that their world is different from the one that we’ve come from. This actually does line up with what we already know about the Shadowlands, which is that all souls, no matter what planet or universe they die on, will end up in the Shadowlands unless they are a demon of some kind.

If it’s true that they’re not Night Elves, and their world isn’t Azeroth, that would mean that Elune is known as a diety for multiple planets, meaning she has a power that potentially eclipses that of the Titans.

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I really hope the couple are from Azeroth - Unless we are going to explore a lot more about that world they come from (or encounter creatures from that world), I do not really see much merit in having them off-world origins so to speak. They could easily inform us that Elune has presence in other worlds without wasting an opportunity to tell us a story in Azeroth history (it looks like we take part in a scenario showing us the Night Warrior History).

Personally I hope the couple were in Azeroth circa 5,000 years before the sundering when Dark Trolls were transforming into Night Elves (and the couple are proto Night Elves) - this would also be sometime quite early in their discovery of Elune (presumably).


See what I’m thinking is that these two are not Night Elves, and they’re from one of the other planets that the Burning Legion invaded, because we know they were conquering multiple planets and that Azeroth was one of the only ones that had managed to stand up to their onslaught.

Because they say that they ‘saved their world’ from a great threat, but Azeroth hasn’t faced any major invasive threats where the Night Elves and Elune worship have been a thing prior to the War of the Ancients. There was the Black Empire of course, but that was long before the Night Elves existed (they were still Dark Trolls at the time).

It stands to reason that if Thiernax and Kadarin were Night Elves, and they called upon the power of the Night Warrior to fight the Burning Legion, that they would have been remembered in legend for what they did and that other Night Elves would know of them.

To be fair, it’s possible that Shandris and other Night Elves do know them, we don’t know of any dialogue before or after this particular point, so who knows? Maybe they are Night Elves. It is implied however, that they’re not.

so how jacked/beefy can a nightelf get?

are they all twinks?

do guardian druids count?

It certainly could mean that they are of other-world origins. And I will admit, I would be pretty disappointed if they are. Primarily because it feels like a wasted exposition - kinda like how I felt about WoD where there really isn’t much opportunity to explore/build-on information/lore from WoD . Though they did manage to sneak in the Mag’har origins to tell us about the zealotry of the Light on Horde side (inaccessible to alliance).

So, I am really hoping it is going to be an Azerothian tale - something that Blizz can build on in future. We also know little about the last time the Night Elves used the ritual other than it is very dangerous even to witness it. It would be cool if the threat had something to do with their war with the Trolls.

It would also not just be historical roots for Night Elf but the Nightborne as well so something for both factions. (I guess you can say blood elves and void elves - though it might be too far back in time for them to care? Who knows). We have done the sundering to death. I would really love to explore other parts of history.

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Well we already knew that. I mean She has her own Planet that Eonar took refuge in it. Was the Planet just named after Elune as an Honor tough. She also can purify the Moonwell in WoD too yet it is another planet but her moonstone still has the same effect.

I personally think it is more like that. Cause if u read about the Night Elves creations history There is this line here :(The night elves’ greatest soldiers were bestowed the goddess’ fury through dangerous rituals, and these Night Warriors secured Kalimdor for the empire.) This was Before Azshara took leading role

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Husband goodness aside, this whole voice over is welcomed world building. It’s so short, but it gives us quite a bit to speculate about and I love it.


Why would this be necessary?

If they are married, then that man is his husband. We don’t need a different term for husband when the word works just as fine in this case as any other.

When you marry a man, that man is your husband regardless of your own sex. If that bothers you… well that’s a “you” problem. I’m not going to call my husband something other than my husband just to make someone else more comfortable. I value my relationship far too much to disrespect it like that.


Or, what if the Dead all just have a very masculine voice in the afterlife?

they stay together for the kid lol…

yeah the kid is a grown man but still a divorce might break his heart.

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Was bound to happen anyway. I mean when one can live 100 years max and the other coupled of thousand years

No necessarily. Elves have a tendency to “forget” their own history when if doesn’t suit them. Shoot, they won’t even acknowledge that they’re descended from Trolls.

They know the story of the Night Warrior but I don’t think they know much more then legends and myths. They speak of the Ritual as though they don’t even know who the last Night Elf to attempt it was, although they know their fate.

In case anyone was interested, there’s another Wedding in Zuldazar in an interesting location.
At /way 24.44 44.56

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you apparently had a hard time understanding what i typed there.

That’s a common misconception. The Men did not sleep continuously for all that time. They woke every so often to reunite with their families, although at what intervals and for how long is not clear.

Admittedly, this is a lot more overt - and it’s part of the main questing rather than stuck in a profession sidequest.
Fair enough. It’s nice.

Not to mention that not all Kaldorei men are druids.

it’s a possibility!